Never Alone

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Hey everyone this is another request by AshwanthGopal I thought it sounded pretty cool so I wanted to give it a go so hopefully you all enjoy and sorry for not updating
Peter's POV

They left they just fucking left on a 2 month long mission only leaving me a shitty letter telling me they were going. They call me a teammate yet they never tell me anything

Nobody but tony (as he finally got me call him by his first name) actually sees me as a teammate, no they just see me as the scrawny little kid that can't be serious well news flash I joke around because I had to grow up instead of being a kid so who can blame me for joking around

But no I'm expected to be quiet on missions yet I find myself just as effective if not more at taking people down I just draw the line at killing it's probably because I've been on the receiving end of one of those I'm sorry for loss calls and I can't bear the thought of letting someone else suffer the same pain

So I sit in the common room wondering how I can make myself useful since it's about 5 weeks till end of year (guess it'll be a quiet Christmas alone) when I realise that I had Karen although she is an A.I she still seems very human

I grab my phone and start talking to Karen (she is now in his phone as well he put her in their himself) I complain about not being treated like an adult & not being taken seriously when I realise what if could build Karen a body like visions but not connected to the power stone

I decide to make her human looking and teenage age about 14 I think I'll give her freckles and red hair

She ended up being the best companion during everyone's absence we celebrated Christmas together and hung out and it was like a real person was there and did care for once in my life

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She ended up being the best companion during everyone's absence we celebrated Christmas together and hung out and it was like a real person was there and did care for once in my life

She had all of Karen's intelligence helped me with patrol, Karen was so excited to be able to fight like a human and not just tell what I should do the public actual ended up naming her shadow for the fact she's like my shadow

It's now a week after Christmas and the avengers should be back tomorrow and they can meet Karen maybe they will finally see he is worthy of being on the avengers

Time Skip to Avengers Returning

They walk in all tired and sore from their recent battle, peter comes in to welcome the back they all ignore him and eventually they end up yelling at him to piss off

So he leaves with Karen or shadow as she prefers to be called now off into the night he also meets up with some of the other vigilantes and makes a team consisting of dead pool, dare devil, nova, power man, white tiger & iron fist as well as shadow & Spiderman

These guys are the new generation of Heroes that haven't forgotten what it means to be a hero

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