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Hey everyone pls send some requests to let me know what type of stories you like. This is gonna be set when there was no civil war or infinity war only tony knows his identity so I might have him reveal it I think anyways thanks for your support!!!Warning for Swearing
645 :words
Third Person POV

Peter Parker has never had the best life I mean he's gone through more than most people could ever imagine yet he still smiles each day. If you looked closely you could see he smiles but it never reaches his eyes, slowly he's breaking that is until when he is asked to perform a song at The Tony Stark's party, yeah he's been invited to perform and tell the team who he has become great friends with he's Spider-Man. He decide that he will sing a song that has a lot to do with his life.

Peter's POV

I'm so nervous but I guess this has to be done, singing has always been a coping mechanism for me with the shitfest that is my life I've always gone to music after flash on an especially bad day or thinking about uncle Ben, I'd just sit and play my heart out with tears streaming down my face, I always feel better after it as well so I'm broken but that doesn't matter cause well it's me and I've always been broken but that makes me stronger.

Few Hours Later

Ok deep breathe, I slowly walk out onto the stage everyone looks at me I clear my throat and exhale deeply " ok so the song I'll be singing is a song that does relate to me as if I'm the one it's being sung to so yeah I'll start" I grab my guitar from the side and slowly walk up to microphone and start to strum softly sing

"Crowded hallways are the loneliest places
For outcasts and rebels
Or anyone who just dares to be different
And you've been trying for so long"
To find out where your place Is
But in their narrow minds
There's no room for anyone who dares to do something different
Oh, but listen for a minute"

"Trust the one
Who's been where you are wishing all it was
Was sticks and stones
Yeah the words cut deep but they don't mean your all alone
And your not invisible
Hear me out,
There's so much more to life then what you're feeling now
Someday you'll look back on all these days and all this pain is gonna be invisible"

I look up to see the team sitting there looking like there about to cry I do the first thing think and bolt into the music room and walk towards the guitar, I sit down and aimlessly strum just trying to clear my head when I hear a knock, I nod my head as a symbol to show I know their there and acceptance to let them in. The whole team walk in and take seat, I ignore them for a minute but their curious gazes are burning into back so I sigh and look at them all I decide to describe to them my life "I'm the type of person you'd see at the back of the classroom,bullied by just about everyone but no one realises how bad my life is besides that no parents, had an uncle bleed out in my arms I've seen and heard more than anyone should, I work 2 Jobs and starve myself regually to make sure my aunt that was diagnosed with breast cancer a month ago actual eats" by the time I finish everyone is looking at me horrified, I realise I am crying when a tear streams down my face slowly, but I smile anyway and say "but now I think I found a family, it just took awhile to realise"

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