Master Assasin

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Hello again, thankyou for reading my story it means a lot to me that people actually like and read my story anyway enough sappy stuff . Also don't believe my facts are actually truth, I try but I can't be 100% sure
Third Person POV

What Peter didn't expect to happen was to fall in love with an assassin that has been alive, about 100 years Yes you heard him right the famous Becky Barnes a little sister to cap.

Peter still hates cap because of Siberia
but has nothing against Becky as he knows she was brainwashed into murdering people

Becky knows she shouldn't feel the way she does about a certain Spider but she can't change anything all she hopes Is that she can get rid of the winter solider. To forget her past that seems impossible to escape

Peter & Becky have grown closer as Peter has more experience about that stuff then you would think. He comforts her about it & is the only one besides Steve that willingly goes near her. One day Peter explodes on them

"None of you can say you aren't responsible for someone who is dead, Becky didn't get a choice so she needs to be comforted not avoided like the plague, she needs people to help her move on. Everyone in this room has problems & pretty horrible pasts so why is Becky singled out when she is no different from the rest of us" Peter spits

Everyone shrinks underneath his glare even the famous black widow is scared of a 16 year old with an opinion. He then leaves to go find Becky

He finds her curled up in her bed tears running down her cheeks, another flashback, they haunt her day & night making the past harder to escape

"Ssh ssh, your okay" he soothed her, her breathing slowly evened out. To Peter seeing the famous winter soldier break down into his arms makes a weird protective feeling surface

"Want to tell me" he asked gently, Becky just shook her head not wanting to relive that again. After about half an hour she finally spoke

"I'm sorry for wasting your time, you don't have to stay" she apologises,but he just shakes his head "you never are ever wasting my time" peter assures

Before either of the know what is happening, there faces are getting closer and closer until Peters lips lightly brush becky's, it's only a second before Becky pulls back

"Why would you want me?" Becky never thought someone could love her "after what I did" she finishes

"How could I not, your amazing and the bravest person I've ever met to push through everything" he says it with such love Becky is caught off guard

"Please let us just try" he begs, she smiles and nods in confirmation

Now he is always with her protecting his master assassin

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