Bullies to besties

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So this one I'm pretty sure you can tell who it's about and I'm going to warn you now that the majority of the stuff I write is a possible trigger unintentionally so a warning for that and yeah hope you like it

Third Person POV

Usually, a teenagers favorite part of the day is when the bell lets out an ear-piercing screech officially letting them be free of work until the next day but not all people shared the same sentiments for a number of reasons surprisingly this is one thing that flash and Peter find themselves agreeing on

Peter because that meant he had to go back to the compound only to deal with crap from everyone which started when Tony left on his honeymoon with pepper so he was left in their care which has been horrible. For flash, his family doesn't care or acknowledge him in any way so he'd rather be somewhere where someone might care somewhat then be at home, or if you can really call it a home

Flash was walking home trying to make the walk as long as possible when he got jumped, honestly not that surprising anymore but yeah then Spider-man saved him and lost his mask revealing him to be none other than his classmate the one that he bullies peter parker, now it was never that he didn't like him but he was jealous of him because it seemed like his life was so much better even though it isn't even close

Flash and Peter talk for ages after getting up on the roof of an abandoned apartment building, he asks to be referred to as tom because flash doesn't exactly bring the best memories. Every night Peter and tom would meet on that same roof and Peter would train him in fighting and stealth, he tries out different super suits and finds that he suits aerial combat the best

So he makes him a set of wings like falcon and Peter tried them out on himself because I mean he would survive if he fell but flash probably not turns out he actually would after a few months he told Peter how he was taken and experimented on and has super strength and a healing factor not as strong as cap or peter but still enough that it would protect him, they also learnt that he can turn transparent so he got the name ghost

Ghost and Spiderman are partners Peter and Tom love working together to help people, now onto the subject of Ned and Mj they were his best friends well Ned was and that all changed when him and tom walked into school laughing and did their handshake (high five up then down and then arms tap together like a shield) Ned lost it at Peter for trying to be friends with someone who used to torment him and so that was the end of that

Mj, however, was fine with it and actually became an information person for him and tom like their girl in the chair as Mj even though she's scary enough she doesn't like fighting hand to hand so she prefers to stay behind the screens.

It takes a while but the Avengers eventually gain interest in who the new vigilante in town ghost is under the mask, Nick Fury also notices this and decides to help them it was just after they had stopped a bank robbery that he showed up on the roof they were sitting "I'm here to offer you both a position as S.H.I.E.L.D agents to protect you from the Avengers, technically after seeing the way they treat you they don't deserve the title anymore but anyway you want the position you got it" after a long debate with Mj the two show up at the hidden S.H.I.E.L.D base

After months of training under fury himself they are top-level agents that report only to fury spiderman and ghost become the most respected people in S.H.I.E.L.D along with Fury and Maria hill who as much as she denies it has become a mother figure to the both of them especially since aunt may is gone and well tom's mum doesn't deserve that title so after that life started to look up for the both of them

It was only a month later when Maria got full custody of both of them till they are 18 which neither objected to. Dr. Cho had been working on something since what happened with Ultron and only just finished, she did the impossible she resurrected Pietro who was horrified that his sister used to have fun messing with Peter's mind and moved into the barton's farm with Clint the only nice avenger who adopted Pietro without a second thought

Peter and Tom never stopped training and doing missions months turned into years now at 17 years old both boys have grown up a lot since 15 they even formed a team consisting of them the Punisher, Daredevil and Luke cage who all became high-level S.H.I.E.L.D agents. Funny how they went from sort of hating each other to being best friends

Every year tom would go with Peter to visit the cemetery even though their not family by blood but they are family anyway, Matt also got legal custody of Peter because he is basically like his dad so they became their own little family with tom always around I mean he basically lives at Murdock's apartment by now, foggy became a constant in their lives as well proudly holding the title of uncle foggy

Life is has gotten so much better for the both of them in the recent years, they now apart of a family something they never had the privilege of well peter had may but now they are apart of a big family and couldn't be happier

Tom's POV

I just finished training with some of the lower level agents when I get a message from Fury "Agent ghost report from mission debriefing now, Agent spider is also coming so move" I get to fury office to see Fury talking with Matt he only comes if a mission is going to be dangerous, I walk in and matt gives me a smile which I return only a few seconds later I can vaguely tell the sound of an almost silent shuffling in the vents above I mentally countdown 3, 2, 1

Peter flips down from the vent landing silently on the floor, fury rolls his eyes at Peter's dramatics, not in the mood Peter can immediately sense the tension in the room and makes subtle eye contact and sits down next to me. Fury immediately begins "Agent spider, agent ghost I need you both to go undercover in the army as we have reason to believe that the countries that are fighting have illegal weapons deals going on so we need you to find out if this is true and shut it down, the military knows that you guys are S.H.I.EL.D agents so they are not allowed to question you" well shit, I look at Peter and can tell he's thinking the same thing as me, and matt well he looks like he is going to kill someone

I dare a look over at him and he's turned absolutely feral growling an animalistic growl just about ready to rip Fury to shreds Peter only just managing to hold him. I look at Peter and we have a conversation with our eyes and I slowly nod to him, he turns to fury "we'll do it, when do we leave?" he asks before Matt can get a word out, Matt gives Peter a downright murderous look "You have a week until you have to ship out for basics but you've already been taught everything and I've made it that you guys are not allowed to be separated you are both dismissed Agents"

We spend the week huddled up in Matt's apartment only leaving for our patrols of Hell's kitchen and Queens. Early on Monday morning, the bus rolls up with the other army enlistments looking fearful at being this far in hells kitchen, even the bus driver looks nervous Matt walks out with us and they look like they've seen a ghost as he is dressed as Daredevil. We both hug him and get on the bus as we drive towards basic training I can't help but think I hope we make it out of this alive.....

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