New Beginning |2|

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Ok everyone here is part 2 finally, I apologize for how long this took but Harley is definitely going to be in heaps now, I'm so excited for end game I can't wait to see who Harley becomes and what he does in the movie. 
Peter's POV

The plane touches down and I feel a sense of relief to be spending summer with some of the best people I've ever met. I let the elderly people behind me get off first and then I exit the plane

I only had carry on bags but I walk to the bag pick up area to get tackled to the ground and look to see Harley's little sister Charlotte (just go with it I don't know her name) I get up and swing her up onto my shoulders, she starts playing with my hair

I walk over to Mrs. keener and Harley to see them smiling at me. Harley brings me into a bro hug "I'm so glad that you came here instead of staying with the assholes" Harley laughs, sarcastic as ever but I can tell that he is happy to see me, we don't get to hang out a lot because of school and how long it takes to get from Queens to Tennessee and vice versa (I have no idea if this is true cuz I'm an Aussie so apologies if this is wrong) and life gets in the way as well so we just never have time so it's probably been about a year since we've seen each other face to face not through a screen

I grunt as I feel a weight on my back even though the spider powers make the weight feel equivalent to a feather, I then see golden locks of hair fall onto my shoulder. Charlotte. I pretend to not know she's there and turn around trying to 'find' her, she giggles as I start walking out of the airport and I can hear Harley and Mrs. keener laughing in the background. One of the big things that got me accepted into their family was how good I am with Charlotte, Harley has been protective over her since his father left. He pretends to not care but his sister means everything to him.

we all climb into the keener's relatively small car, it's a nice little car and always manages to feel very welcoming and homey but more so after the lack of that feeling recently. "so Peter, I never was told the full story on why you wanted to come and all Harley said was that you took up my offer so mind filling in the blanks" Mrs keener starts and I sigh "so it started when may had to leave to go work so I had to stay with someone, Mr stark offered but once I got there he remember he had to go to finalize the accords so he left me with the Avengers and of course I was ecstatic to stay with them but it turns out they aren't as nice as the media portrays all they did was belittle and ridicule every single little thing I did and apparently nothing was ever good or perfect enough but I snapped when when Captain Righteous called me a useless fuck up" I finish my rant my anger rekindled.

I look at Mrs.Keener she looks like an angered mother who's kid had just been insulted in front of her, but I guess she kind of is like a mother to me. Harley looks downright murderous and a certain protectiveness shone in his eyes, the protectiveness he only has for people close to him. Maybe Harley likes me back, yeah so I might have a small crush on him but I can't say anything so.

"Oh I'm so giving it to them when I go back with" Harley states, well guess I've got a hitchhiker now, maybe I can get Spiderman a sidekick I mean I've never really worked with someone except the odd team up with Daredevil or punisher and sure those guys are great to work with but maybe we could form a team, anyway off topic parker.

Mrs keener like she wants to come back with us as well "Um Mrs.Keener is it alright if I start school with Harley" I question she answers instantly "of course honey, your family and we wouldn't desert you" she assures incredulously as if just the very thought of them not excepting me is preposterous

This is the start of my new beginning

2 Years Later

Rushing home has become a routine for me and keener, I registered to Harley's high school under the guise of his cousin that was orphaned a long time ago. Harley and I race every day back home and I only loose because I have to pretend not to be enhanced as nobody can no I am

My crush on Harley has definitely gotten stronger but I've also gotten better at disguising my emotions and become harder, seen worse, fighting harder and just grown up in general. We both have. Moving on, I started training to be harder, smarter and faster because I need to be what I couldn't be before, I need to be better

today we took the longer way so it takes about 10 minutes longer to get home than normal, it's about a week until the holidays are over so we decided that we are all going back to new york. May's trip got extended to 3 years because of an influx of patients arriving for treatment so she talked to Mrs keener and yep I'm here 2 years later with these amazing people

I learnt something about Harley while being here, I mean I learnt lots of things but he acts like an asshole a lot but he is just really insecure and doesn't want to show it. I watch in amusement as Harley puffs hands resting on his knees, with glare aimed directly at me. I walk into Mrs keeners house or well the place that has become home, I go into the room I stay in and stare at the suit hanging in the cupboard somehow Harley still doesn't know

Harley's POV

I glare at Peter and all he does is smirk in amusement then walk off into the house, I can't help but stare for what would be considered as a little too long. I shake it off and can't help but feel sad that he's gonna leave soon and when we come home he won't be with us, it's not like he's dying or anything so it shouldn't feel like that but it does

I think I've got a crush on Peter, it started when we were watching this movie and I jumped and peter wrapped his arm around me and I ended up resting my head on his shoulder we both woke up on the floor and to this day I still couldn't tell you why

The Brightside is that the rogues that are now fully pardoned are going to get what's coming to them, I already have my potato gun ready time for some revenge

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