Missed You Bro

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Now I don't know the Harry Osborn story too well I hope it's accurate but please do keep in mind that I get most information from the MCU timeline most recently so I haven't actually watch any other versions of Spiderman except for the most recent MCU movies but anyway enjoy
Third Person POV

It had been tough, putting it lightly. This week harder than most because this is the anniversary of the day Harry left. Harry Osborn and him were as close as you could ever hoped to be, brothers by bond torn away from each other because Norman wanted to change and be closer to Harry so they moved. Peter to this day still remembers the years rolling down his cheeks as he watched the car fade into the distance hiding in his room for days despite Ben's best efforts to cheer him up. He never told the avengers why he is so upset this week and they didn't try to pry they know he gets like this not realising he only gets like it on the anniversaries of his parents, uncles, aunts and girlfriends deaths. Harry left when Peter was 13 and now he's 17, Peter doesn't know how he's supposed to tell him about Gwen, she was like a sister to him

Tony told him guests are coming this weekend that this guy he's sorting out an agreement with has a son his age that could do with a friend so to be nice. Peter held back a flinch at the word, flashes of memories made with Harry flashing through his head making tears sting behind his eyes the dam an inch away from breaking. More than a friend Harry if anything was more of a brother to him I mean sure he's got Ned and Mj but it's not the same and they know that, they could never replace the original trio though that doesn't make their friendship any less special. Norman Osborn while he wasn't the best he did care, when he saw his experiments becoming reckless and dangerous he stopped Peter reminded him that he didn't want his best friend to lose his dad like he did. Norman always liked Peter, it would be a lie to say he didn't she's a tear or two when he left to start fresh with Harry deciding to put his family first but he would love to see Parker again he just didn't realise how soon that would be

Peter's POV

Tony said an important guest is visiting today so I throw on some clean clothes (I think they're clean) and bit of deodorant quickly running a hand through my messy hair. I run down stairs grabbing my phone on the way down Tony looks to me when he sees me
"Can you grab the snacks from the kitchen"
"Sure" I respond, walking into the kitchen I hear the elevator open as I grab the platter of fancy biscuits and dips. Walking in with my head down looking at the group chat of the decathlon team I place them down I don't look up till I hear gasp looking up I meet the eyes of a man I haven't seen in forever, Norman.
"Peter, you've grown heaps, not so much a stick now" he laughs I can't help but laugh too
"Guess not," Tony blinks lookin side to side a couple times not comprehending
"You know Osborn?" I nod with a sad smile
"Yeah knew Harry from school we've met before" the rest of the avengers trickle in obviously wanting to be in on whatever drama is happening next because apparently they have no entertainment in their own lives, huh, figures

Before anything else can be said the elevator dings and out walks someone I have never thought I'd get the chance to see again his golden hair shining as he stares at the phone in his hand speaking up
"Hey Dad I think I found the right one-" he stops dead as he looks up his crystal like oceanic eyes tears threatening to fall the all too familiar stinging sensation burning behind my eyes as I try to withhold letting any emotions be seen but as a tear slides down his cheek as he clenches his eyes shut that's all it takes for his walls to crumble, rushing forward I pull him close trying to mind my strength a wet patch growing on my shoulder as a son rips through my throat buried emotions and pain resurfacing. I pull back wiping my eyes, a smile lighting up my face tear tracks staining Harry's face as he smiles back
"I missed you bro" my voice cracks at the end and he just nods by look on his face not trusting himself to form words. Suddenly I remember what I have to tell him my smile falling, Harry doesn't notice still smiling then he looks around and frowns obviously noticing a certain abscene
"hey where's Gwen, you two are usually inseperable?" He questions looking at me I look back with a sad expression
"Pete?" He asks again when I don't respond. I walk out to the balcony staring into the setting sun, she always loved sunsets insisting it's the best part of the day to just sit and be. I sigh knowing I can't avoid the truth
"Harry, Gwen, she.....I couldn't save her, I watched her die" my voice eventually drops to a whisper the words bitter and callous on my throat. Harry shakes his head desperately stuttering unable to get any proper words out staring at me in disbelief refusing to believe my words, just like I knew he would. After a few more seconds he manages to form words
"Pete.......she can't, she can't be dead, she just..I she just can't" he pleads walking over and shaking my though I can't feel not even as he begs pounding his fists into my chest, I stand tall and let him break down god knows I wish I'd been given the chance to. We slide to the floor the cold tiles a contrast to the hot, dry summer air kind of soothing in a way, Harry's sobs subside into whimpers. Vaguely aware of the prying eyes I let Harry cry not about to stop him, he wipes his eyes lifting them to meet my own the pain of loss strong but not unfamiliar.
"Do you want to visit her?" I question gently, sometimes it helps sometimes it does the opposite for me it gave me closure, closure over my parents and uncles death helped me say goodbye in a way as it did with Gwen. Harry stood from where he slid to the floor, I put his arm over my shoulder as we walk entering the elevator Harry stands alone nothing seeming important enough to warrant speaking they just walk to a place all to familiar to Peter

Third Person POV

Tony goes to follow when he feels a hand on his shoulder. Turning around shows the hand to belong to Norman looking a tony in a weird understanding he knew the Stacy girl mainly through what his son would say but he knew she didn't deserve the hand fate dealt her. Tony's mind is still reeling at the information revealed in just this afternoon, he'd heard mention of some by the name of Gwen but only one or two times so he ignored it for the most part he didn't know she was this close to Peter, still proves that Peter seems to want to remain a mystery a mystery, puzzle that he has yet to solve but he's determined to
"Let them be, this is something they need to face themselves he'll come to you in his own time" Norman reasons and Tony grumbles striding back towards the lab the nature of why Osborn is even here in the first place. Tony sits staring at the machine but unable to make his hand move the wrench towards it, he drops the wrench letting head fall into his hands letting out a deep sigh. Looking back up he states through the tall window panes that make up the wall, watching as small white flakes of snow sprinkle down gently the sight oddly soothing, he doesn't know what to do, what he should do but it'll work out things always seem to. Despite the snow time continues people running through crowds avoiding angry businessman and women trying to keep a firm grip on there fifth coffee of the morning, cars honk, pollution fills the air just an average day in New York by most peoples standards. Harry found comfort in being back on familiar soil New York raised him everything had it's place as if nothing has changed over the years though most would be able to see through the lie, the buzz of the city famous for never sleeping came with a sense of comfort he hadn't experienced in awhile, he missed his old life. Peter's changed not that he would've expected any different, he looks over to said person who is staring into the distance but in reality is a lot further away, he's not the same scrawny kid who if he was out in this weather would probably be half dead with how sick he always got, ah good times.

The crowded streets lessen as they continue to walk Harry following Peter to where well, he hasn't got that far yet. They eventually make it Peter looking at the place with a sense of nostalgia, the black metal gate with spikes pointing up is coated in thin layer of snow not unlike the pavement the snow almost up to their ankles yet somehow neither seem to notice but they'll suffer later. Peter pulls the gate open walking to a specific spot, the graves are all covered in a thin layer of snow on top somehow bringing the mood even lower. A tall, enchanting oak tree stands proudly off to the back of the graveyard a headstone that Harry can't identify sitting at the base of the trunk Peter walks towards it he manages to read the words

In loving memory of Gwen Stacy
Beloved daughter, friend, girlfriend
"We have to be greater than what we suffer"

Oh, if only Gwen new how much truth rings through her words although Harry admits that Gwen probably knows, she always knew. Harry walks towards the headstone vaguely aware of Peter staying behind him, letting him have a moment. He lets his fingers glide over the cold, hard stone a single tear falling from his eye landing on the top of the stone. At first he just sits unsure of what to say, what to do it was odd not being told what he's supposed to do for once in his life not having an expectation on how he's supposed to act not that he ever did listen he sighs taking a minute to find the right words
"Hey Gwen, I am so sorry that I wasn't here to say goodbye would've thought that when I left with my dad it would be the last time I saw you. You were the closest thing I ever had to a sister you got me in the ways that others didn't. Gwen you didn't deserve this, but I do know if I sit here weeping you'll rise from the dead just to wack me upside the head so I won't but I will say how thankful I am that I got to know you, I'll see you again one day" Harry smile albiet teary place a gently small kiss on the top of the headstone. They leave leaving only footprints in the snow, they've got each other now and they won't be separated again.

Life may be tough but they aren't going to be pulled apart this time,

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