Part 58: Detention

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I walk out the cafeteria after lunch and walk to fourth period with Victoria. "So how are you holding up with, you know," she asks, referring to the baby. "I'm gonna have an abortion. The baby wasn't gonna be healthy so it's the right thing to do," I say. She looks shocked. "Oh my god. When?" She asks. "Today," I say. "Good luck," Victoria says and we walk in class. We sit in the back, next to each other.

I made an appointment at 4 pm. Diego and I are going right after school. I can't believe I'm actually going to have an abortion. I'm still processing the fact that I'm pregnant. I don't know what I would've done if it wasn't Giovanny's baby but Diego's baby. I think I'd keep it but unfortunately it's Giovanny's baby. I want to keep the baby because that's the best thing to do, but I'm not in a good situation. I don't even have a job, I still live with my mom, I'm still in high school. And like the doctor said, my body isn't ready to have a baby. Even if I did decide to keep the baby it probably wouldn't be healthy.

I just need to tell myself it's the best thing to do because I feel so guilty. Maybe it's weird that I feel guilty but I'm still 'killing' my own baby. Will it hurt? I'm kinda scared. I should really stop thinking about it. But I just can't. It keeps playing in my head, I'm gonna have an abortion, I'm pregnant.

"Miss Hazel," the teacher says. "What?" I ask. "The answer?" She asks. I look at the board behind her, nothing is on there. I have no idea what she's talking about. "I don't know ma'am," I say. "You weren't paying attention?" The teacher asks. "No. Sorry ma'am," I say. "Detention today after school," she says. "Does anyone else kno-," she continues class but I stop her. "I can't have detention today. I have somewhere to be," I say. "Don't we all? Now pay attention," she continues. "No you don't understand. I can't go," I repeat. "I don't care. Be there or you'll have a bigger problem. Now does anyone know the ans-," I interrupt her again. "Ma'am you really don't understand I have somewhere to be and I can't cancel it," I say. "You can go to principals office now," the teacher says. "What? Why?" I say confused. "Because you're disrespectful towards me," she says. "I'm just saying I can't go to detention today. I never said anything disr-," she stops me. "You can explain it to the principal. Now go," she says. I sigh and grab my bag. I walk out the class.

I get to the principals office and wait. I can't believe she sent me to the principals office for this. It's bullshit. "Mia Hazel," the principal says as he walks out his office. I stand up and walk in. "Explain," he says. "I was zoned out and I got detention. But I can't go today so I told her and then she got mad," I say. "Okay. You still have to go to detention today," the principal says. "No sir you don't understand. I have somewhere I need to be and I can't cancel," I say. "Why can't you cancel?" He asks. "Because," I start and I sigh. "I'm gonna have an abortion after school," I say. The face of the principal turns red and he seems shocked. "O-oh that's not a problem. Was that why you were zoned out?" He asks. I nod and look down. "I'll let this one slip. You don't have detention," he says. "Thank you so much," I say. He nods and I walk out.

Words: 629

I'm thinking about writing another book but uploading it in one time so you don't have to wait. It's gonna be about Diego, Giovanny or Alex. Maybe something with a meet&greet?
Let me know what you think I should do❤️

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Love y'all so fricking much!!!

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