Part 22: Alex

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POV Alex
We played truth or dare. It was fun but when Hailey kissed Brandon I was kinda hurt. I know we broke up and all but I still have feelings for her. People think I have feelings for Devyn, but I don't. We're just really good friends. I'm still not over Hailey, but clearly she is over me. We broke up because we fought a lot. It wasn't a healthy relationship. But I think that can change. She didn't even try to change, but i'm willing to change for her. But it's too late now. She's already with Brandon.

"Are you okay?" Mia asks. "Yeah i'm fine," I say. "I can see you're not fine. Let's go upstairs and talk," she says. "Okay," I say. We stand up and walk upstairs. "Where are you going?" Devyn asks. "We're just gonna talk," I say.

We sit on Diego's bed. "So what's wrong?" She asks. "You know the day we met? When we played truth or dare?" I start. "Yeah," she says. "Well I told you I still had feelings for my ex. And I meant Hailey. I'm still not over her and it just hurts me to see that she moved on," I say. "She says she's over you. But to be honest, I don't think she is," she says. "Why?" I ask. "It's the way she looks at you," Mia says. "How does she look at me?" I ask. "Like she's still in love. And have you seen the way she looks at Devyn and Brandon?" She says. I shake my head. "She looks so jealous when she flirts with you. And she doesn't look at Brandon the way she looks at you," she says. I smile. "Maybe I can help you?" Mia says. "How?" I ask. "I could put in a good word for you. She'll listen to me," she says with a smile. "Thank you Mia," I say. "No problem. You and Hailey are cute together," she says and we walk downstairs.

"We should all sleep over!" Hailey says. "Yess," Diego says. "But I don't have any clothes," I say. "You can borrow a hoodie? If you want," Diego says. "Thanks," I say. "Well i'm gonna get some stuff from my house and I'll be back in 10 minutes," Victoria says. A few other people go get their stuff too. Alex, Diego, Hailey and I stay.

"Soo.." I say. "So.." Alex says. "So do you guys like anyone," and I raise my eyebrows. I see Hailey blush. "You dooo!" I say. "I do," she says while smiling. "So, who do you like?" I ask. "That's a secret," she says. "We probably already know who it is," Diego says. "Nah I don't think so," she says. "It's not Brandon?" Diego says confused. "Nope," she says. "You should probably end things with Brandon and go for the boy you really like," I say and look at alex when I say the last part. "Yes, I will," she says. "So anyone else?" I say. "Yep," Diego says. "Who?" Hailey says. "It's obvious," Alex says. "Mia," Alex continues. I blush a little and look down so no one notices. "Omg Mia you're blushing!!" Hailey says. "Stoooop," I say. We all laugh. "So what about you Mia?" Hailey asks. "I don't know. I don't know if I want it to start again. If I want to be opened up again and then left alone. It always happens to me," I say. "I won't leave you," Diego says. I smile. "What about you, Alex," I say. "I like this girl. She's really cute. She in our friend group. We had something in the past. But I don't know if she still likes me. I still like her tho," he says. "Are you talking about H-," Diego starts but Hailey interrupts him. "Me?" She says. "Yep," he says and looks down. Hailey tilts his head up with her hand and kisses him. "You're the boy I was talking about," she says. "Aaaawwwee," I say.

Time skip

It's 1am and I start getting tired. "Let's get the mattresses," Hailey says. We get the mattresses and put them down in the living room. We don't have enough. "I can sleep on the couch," Destiny says. "Yeah me too," Carlos says. "I'm claiming this mattress. Alex take the one next to me," Devyn says. I see Hailey getting jealous. "I'll just sleep on the couch," Alex says. Everyone had a place to sleep except for me and Diego. "You could sleep in my bed upstairs," Diego says. "All alone?" I say. "I could sleep there too if you want?" He says. I nod.

Diego and I walk upstairs and he gives me a hoodie. I put it on and take of my pants. I'm only wearing a hoodie and underwear. We walk back downstairs and I see Brandon scanning me. Diego sees it too. "Yo Brandon get your eyes off my girl," he says. "Sorry bro," Brandon says. "Brandon can we talk?" Hailey says. "Of course bebe," he says. They walk away.

When they come back Brandon grabs his stuff and leaves. "Bye fuckers," he says and walks out the door. "Hailey what happened?" Alex says. "I ended things with him," she says. "Can I take his mattress?" Alex asks. The mattress was next to Hailey. "Yess," she says and smiles. I see Devyn looking jealous. "I'm really tired so i'm gonna go to bed. Goodnight hoes," I say and I walk upstairs.

I get in Diego's bed and after a few minutes I hear someone come up. I feel the person laying next to me. I turn around and I see Diego. "Hey princess," he says. "Princess?" I say smiling. "You don't like it?" He asks. "I do," I say. I get really sleepy and close my eyes. "Goodnight Princess," I hear Diego say and he places a kiss on my head.

Words: 988

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