Part 1: Walmart

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It's 4 am and i'm still awake, my sleeping schedule is so fucked up. But i'm in the mood for noodles so i'm putting my shoes on to go get some.

When I get there I get the noodles and walk to the makeup section to get a new concealer since mine's empty. When I get there I see 5 cute boys looking at makeup. I search for the right concealer and I hear them talking. "Maybe we should just ask her". Are they talking about me? I look around and I see nobody. They must be talking about me right? "Hey, can I maybe ask you a question?" The short boy with curly hair says. "Yeah sure" I answer. "So we're making a video. We are going to put on makeup but we don't know what we need, can you maybe help us?" He asks, he is actually kinda cute, well really cute. "Okay so you definitely need foundation, this one is fine I guess" I say as I grab a cheap foundation. I get everything they need.

"Do we need anything else?" one of them asks. "No I guess that's it" I say. "You're forgetting something very important" the short boy says. "What?" "I need your snapchat" he says. I put my snapchat in their phones and they thank me. "My name is Diego btw, that's Alex, Jesse, Carlos and Giovanny" Diego introduces them. "You can call me Gio" Giovanny says with a wink. "I'm Mia" I say.

Wait they said they we're making a video, are they famous? "Can I ask you one more thing?" I ask. "Yeah of course" Alex says. "You said you were making a video, are you on youtube?" "Yeah we are" Carlos answers. "Oh cool what's you're channel?" They all give their channel names and I look them up. "Wow you're actually pretty big, how don't I know you". "Hey, maybe you'd like to film the video with us? You could give us instructions how to put on the makeup?" Jesse says. "Are you sure?" I ask, I would love to but maybe they think I want clout or something. "Yeah, it would be fun" Alex says. "Well I don't know it's getting pretty late and my parents are going to be worried if they know i'm gone". "Please, can't you text them you're with your friends or something?" Diego says. "Yeah I could say I'm sleeping at my friends house". I text my mom i'm at Victoria's house. "Okay I can go". "Okay lets go". Alex says.

We go the cars and they tell me to follow them. "What if I lose you? Maybe someone should get in my car so i'm sure I go the right way?" I say, I hope Diego or Gio comes with me. "Yeah that's a great idea I'll go with you" Diego says. "Okay". We get in the car and we sing songs the whole way. I'm already so comfortable with him, it feels like I know him 5 years or something. When we get there we get out of the car and I realize something. "SHIT, I forgot brushes" I say. "Do we really need them?" Carlos asks. "Well yeah, but maybe I can just get mine but I have to be really quiet so I don't know if that will work. I can try tho". "Yeah let's do that, I'll go with you" Diego says. "Okay let's go fast".

"Why were you at Walmart at 4 am?" Diego asks. "I was really craving noodles and I needed a new concealer". "Ooh but why were you awake, shouldn't you be asleep?" "My sleep schedule is so fucked up I go to sleep at like 6 or 7 am". "Saaaammee because we don't need to wake up early for school" he says. "Yess, my parents would kill me if they found out I want to Walmart at 4 am all alone." "I get that, you're to pretty too be out there alone.  Way too many creeps." I blush, did he just call me pretty? "Aww you're blushing". "What? No i'm not". I try to hide it by scratching my cheeks. "It's cute". I blush even more.

We get to my house and I tell Diego to stay here. I be as quiet as possible and get all my brushes and my favorite eyeshadow palette. The James Charles palette (I know what he did but it's still a very good palette). I hear my door open and I quickly turn to look who's there and I see...

767 words

Princess || Diego MartirTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon