Part 19: Thoughts

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I get home and grab something to eat. I go to my room and watch some netflix. I start to think about Gio. He didn't cheat on me so it isn't that bad. But I asked him about her and he lied. And if he can lie so easily to me, maybe he would lie to me about more things. But I do really like him. Today I almost believed Diego, but then Josie showed me that video of Desiree sucking his dick. I guess me and Diego aren't meant to be. He wasn't real with me. But is Gio real with me? I don't know. He only lied because he wanted us to work. But if he wants us to work there must be no secrets. And technically he didn't lie. I asked him why she was there. And what he said was true. He just didn't tell me that he fucked her. I never asked him. But when I confronted him he kept lying and playing innocent. Maybe I should give him a chance. I really like him.

Skip to next day

I get in my car and pick Hailey up. "Hey," I say. "Holaaaa," she says. "Why are you so happy?" I ask. "Brandon asked me out," she says smiling. "Who is Brandon?" I ask. "You know when I told you I had a rebound after Alex? That was him. But then we lost contact. We started talking again a few days ago," she explains while still smiling. "You look so happy, i'm happy for you," I say. "So did you think? About Gio?" She asks. "Yeah, I think i'll give him one more chance," I say. "I'm happy if you are," she says.

We arrive at school and I see Gio. I walk up to him and kiss him. "So that means you're giving me a chance?" He asks happy. "Yes," I say.

Skip to lunch

I walk to the cafeteria with Carlos, Diego and Destiny. "So have you made your decision about Gio?" Destiny asks. "Yes, I gave him
one more chance. It just feels like the right thing to do," I say. I hear Diego laugh a little. "What?" I ask. "It's just that you run back to him when he lied to you, but I never lied to you. Yet you won't give me another chance," he says. "You lied, she sucked your fucking dick and you're telling me you have nothing with her?" I say. "I have nothing with her I swear. She just kept pushing me to let her do it. And I felt like shit so I let her," he says.

We get to our table and Hailey is already sitting there with Victoria and Devyn. "Hola bitches," I say and I sit next to Hailey. Gio walks to our table and sits next to me. "Hey baby," he says and kisses me. "Mia can we talk?" Diego asks. "Why?" I ask. "Just please come talk with me," he says. "Fine," I sigh and we get out the cafeteria.

"I'm sorry I let her, the whole time I was thinking about you," he says while looking at the ground. "You're lying," I say. "What? No i'm not," he says. "You are, you looked at the ground when you said it. You're scared that I can see you're lying," I say. "I'm not lying. I promise," he says. "Look me in the eyes and say it again," I say. He looks at me. "I'm sorry I let her suck my dick. The whole time I was thinking about you," he says. I stay silent. He wasn't lying. "I just hope you'll give me a chance. I promise i'll use it very good," he says. "I'm with Gio, i'm sorry," I say and I walk back to the cafeteria.

"What did he say?" Gio asks. "He said he was sorry," I say. "For what?" He asks. "For hurting me," I say. I won't tell Gio he wants me to give him a chance. He would freak out

Words: 677
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