Part 55: Doctor

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After school I went to the hospital with Diego. My mom already called and there was room for me. Diego and I are now waiting in the waiting room. Diego doesn't know about the fight, he thinks we're here for our first checkup. "Are you nervous?" Diego asks me. I nod.

"Diego I need to tell you something," I say. "We're not here for our first check up. I got in a fight," I say. His eyes widen. "What? With who? What happened? Are you okay? I thought you weren't gonna get in drama because of the baby," Diego rambles. "Slow down," I say. "Desiree just really asked for it. She kept calling me slut," I say and look down in guilt. "Are you okay tho?" Diego asks. "I'm fine. I just don't know if the baby is okay. She kicked me in my stomach really hard. I wanted to go to the hospital immediately but there was no room for me until now," I say. "I didn't wanna go to the emergency because people could have it worse," I say. "You should've gone to emergency. Maybe to baby is..." Diego says and looks down. "I know. I'm sorry. I'm so dumb," I say. "You're not dumb Princess," Diego says and gives me a peck.

A doctor walks in the waiting room. "Mia Hazel?" She says. I stand up and walk to her. I give her a hand. "Hi I'm doctor Shadow," She introduces herself. "Mia," I say. Diego introduces himself and we walk to the room. I lay down on the examination bed. "So you are here because you were kicked in your stomach and that caused a lot of pain?" The doctor asks. "Yes," I say. "Okay. I'm gonna do a scan and we're gonna see if the baby is still alive and healthy," she says. "Okay," I say.

She puts a cold gel on my belly and then she puts the scan on me. I hold Diego's hand. I look at the screen and see the baby. The doctor keeps quiet and just moves over my stomach. She stops moving and gets the scan off me. She wipes off the gel. "I have some bad news for you," she starts. I start to panic. The baby died. I just killed my baby. I'm so dumb for fighting Desiree. I should've just let it go. I just killed the baby that was growing in me.

Words: 409
short chapter whoops sooorry

Cliffhangerrrrr :)
What will happen???
Should I let the baby live or not?

please vote, it means a lot❤️❤️❤️

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