Part 5: Date

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I wake up and see that i'm still on facetime. Should I wake Diego up? I decide to end the call and text him.

Mia: Hey when will you be at my house for the date?

After I took a shower I did my makeup. I get in my car to go get some starbucks. They take my order and when I wait for my order, I get a text.

Diego: 6pm. How did you sleep?
Mia: great, i'm at starbucks rn
Diego: Okay, imma take a shower bye
Mia: see ya at 6! Wait what do I need to wear?
Diego: Just casual clothes
Mia: Okayy

Time skip to 5pm

I'm ready for the date. I'm so nervous omg. I have no clue what we're gonna do. He said to wear something casual so I put this on.

 He said to wear something casual so I put this on

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I just chill in my room till Diego is here. Jabez is in his room and I hope he stays there, my mom knows i'm going on a date but if Jabez finds out.

I hear the doorbell ring, I quickly go downstairs before my mom opens it. I open the door and see Diego. "You look beautiful," he says. "Thank you". I walk out the door. "Bye mom!" "Bye have fun honey!" I close the door and we go to Diego's car. He opens the door for me and I get in. "What a gentleman". "You know it," he winks. He starts driving to mcdonalds. "You told me you liked these dates so I thought it'd be perfect". I told him about it on facetime yesterday.

We get some food and just talk for 3 hours

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We get some food and just talk for 3 hours. Then he starts driving. "Where are we going?" "We're going to a game hall". I love game halls this is the perfect date. We were there for an hour and than we went to his house.

We lay on his bed and we're watching 'To all the boys i've loved before'. "I loved today, thank you so much". He gives me a kiss. "We should do this more often," he says. "I'd love to". I get a little tired. "You wanna stay over?" Diego asks me. "Yes, can I get a hoodie to sleep in?" He grabs a hoodie and gives it to me. I change and lay on his chest. Before I fall asleep I feel Diego give me a kiss on my head.

When I wake up I see Diego on his phone. "Good morning," I say while still waking up. "Hey good morning, you hungry?" "Yeah". We get out of bed and he makes breakfast for us.

"Hey I asked Gio and Alex to come over, do you want to stay and chill with us?" He asks. "Yeah sure, but I don't have any clothes here". "We could get some at your place?" "Yess, uhm can I maybe keep this hoodie?" I say and feel my cheeks heat up. "Yeah sure".

We got to my house and I quickly showered and put on some leggings. I kept his hoodie on.

I got out my house and go to Diego's car

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I got out my house and go to Diego's car. "You look so cute in my hoodie". I feel my cheeks heat up. We drive to his house and get some starbucks on the way.

Alex and Gio are here and we're just watching a movie. I see Gio looking at me in the corner of my eye. "Can we make some nachos?" I ask. "Yeah let's do that," Diego says. We're making the nachos and Alex and Gio wait in the living room. I wash my hands and splash some water in Diego's face. He does it back and I scream. I playfully slap him and we start play fighting. We end up really close and we're looking at each other. I see him looking at my lips and back to my eyes. I lean in and we kiss. It turns in to a make out session. "Why is it taking so long?" I hear Gio asking. We stop the kiss. "Uhm It's in the oven," we walk back to the living room and I see Gio looking annoyed.

691 words

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