Part 61: England

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After school I go with Diego to his house. We walk in and no one is home. "Guess that means we can finally do this," Diego says and he starts kissing me.

⚠️sexual scene warning⚠️

He grabs my ass and I moan. He lifts me up and we walk upstairs while still making out. He puts me on his bed slowly while still kissing me. He throws his shirt on the ground and I do the same. I unbuckle his pants and take off my skirt. I toss it on the ground and Diego grabs a condom from his nightstand. I put my bra off and throw it on the ground. Diego throws my thong on the ground and I do the same with his boxer. Diego puts the condom on and enters me. I let out a moan. Diego starts going faster and I grab his covers. We moan and we both almost cum. I let out a moan and I cum. A few seconds after Diego cums too.

Sexual scene over

Diego lays next to me. My phone vibrates and I look at the notification. It's a text from my mom.

Mom: Can you come home? I need to tell you something.
Mia: I'm on my way

"I need to go home sorry," I say. "What why?" Diego asks. "My mom needs to tell me something. It sounds serious," I say. "I'll drop you off," Diego says. We put on our clothes and get in Diego's car.

Diego drops me off at home and I walk in. I see my mom on the dining table with my brother. "What's going on?" I ask. "I need to tell you guys something," she says. "Is it bad?" I ask. "You should sit down," my mom says calm. I nod and sit next to Jabez.

"As you now I don't like my job and have to work really hard to get a small amount of money. It's really hard to take care of you," she starts. What is she trying to say? "So two weeks ago I got offered a new job. And I had a month to think about it and then I needed to start. The offer was perfect. It's everything I wanted. My dream job, I can be a writer. And I would make a lot of money," she says. "That's great!" I say happy. "But there was a reason I had to think about it for two weeks. I made the decision to take the job but there is a big con," she says. "We have to move," she says. "What state do we need to move to?" Jabez asks. "You mean what country," she says. "WHAT?" I ask and stand up. "You're kidding," I say. She shakes her head. "Please sit down Mia," she asks me calm. "Mom we just moved here and you're talking about moving TO ANOTHER COUNTRY?" I ask mad. "I'm sorry but it's just better," she says. "Better for you. We made friends here. We just settled in and you're asking us to move again," Jabez says. "I'm sorry but it's the decision I made," she says. "What country are we talking about?" I ask. "Guys its all gonna be okay. We managed to move here so it's all gonna work out," she says. "What country?" I ask mad. "England," she says. "WHAT? THAT'S EUROPE! I'LL NEVER GET TO SEE DIEGO AGAIN!" I yell. "Sweetie calm down," my mom says. "Mom please tell me you're joking," I say with tears in my eyes. She shakes her head. "I'm sorry honey. But we're gonna have lots of money and we'll be happy there," she says. "I don't care if we have money. I want to stay with Diego!" I say. "Honey you're sixteen I'm not letting you stay here," she says.

Words: 640

And I oop And I oop sksksksksk

I'm not a vsco girl btw

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