Chapter 27 - Final

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The next week went by surprisingly fast. It helped that you were busy with the project. Lots of meetings, rewrites, re-configurations. There was a lot that went into this project and you were going to make sure it went off swimmingly.

By Thursday, you still hadn't heard from Jimin and you wondered if things had changed. Maybe they weren't coming or had decided to come later. By Friday morning, you were slightly worried. By Friday night you were downright panicked. You hated to bother them as they were traveling or had busy schedules of their own, but dammit, you needed to know the guys were ok! Didn't they know by now how badly this stressed you out?! How it played right into your anxiety?!

Finally on Saturday morning, Jimin messaged you.

Jimin: Hey Baby.

You: OMG! Jimin!! I've been worried sick about you!!

Jimin: I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to worry you. We got in a couple of days ago and we've just been on the go so much that I haven't been able to message you until now. Our days have been jam packed. How are you?

You: I'm sure you've been busy and I'm sorry to be so frantic. I just worry. I'm better now. :)

Jimin: Good. I'm glad. :)

You: So how's it going?

Jimin: Good. Rehearsals have gone well and we did a radio show yesterday.

You: I'm so glad. How are the guys?

Jimin: They are good. Most of them are still asleep but they need to get up soon because we have another rehearsal today. The show is tomorrow.

You: So that means you'll be busy all day then?

Jimin: Unfortunately, yes. But after the show I'd love to see you. I've been craving you.

Oh, when he said words like that to you, your insides would immediately heat up. He had a way of getting you from 0-60 instantly.

You: I've been craving you too.

Jimin: :)

You messaged for a few more mintes and then he needed to go to rehearsal. You bid goodbye and he promised to at least message you later.

Now that you had made contact with him you were able to relax for the rest of the day. Or at least relax for you. Relaxing for you simply meant not constantly on the go, but that didn't mean you shirked your workout. You donned your workout clothes and decided a long 8 mile run would be good.

Heading out, you let the music fuel you, let it light a fire under your feet. You weren't necessarily going to push it, but just went at a natural pace. The chat with Jimin was good. You were glad to have heard from him. You always worried when they traveled and were always relieved once they touched the soil of wherever they were headed and he let you know they had arrived.

As you rounded a corner, your mind wandered to the last Facetime conversation you'd had. It was hot. You had never done anything like that before and although it was a little unnerving at times, you knew you were safe with Jimin. He was safe. He wouldn't pressure you into anything. He pushed you at times – which you needed – but never pressured you. You weren't that experienced in the bedroom, and he was an amazing lover. The fact that you got off while he watched was kind of a turn on you didn't know you had in you. He clearly liked it and it got you hot again thinking about it.

Running up a hill, you increased your effort. The music helped you climb the hill. It was aggressive. It was angry. It was one of BTS' new songs off their new album and it really helped you push through and up the big hill.

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