Chapter 4

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"Would you look at this?" exclaimed Tia, as you walked into the hotel room. You had never seen anything like it in your life. Clearly this was not just any hotel room. It looked pricey and immediately you wondered if you would be able to afford it.

In the room there were two king sized beds, separated by a nightstand with two lamps. There was a sitting area, a large bathroom with a beautiful tub and double sinks. In addition, there was a full kitchen including a stove and full-sized refrigerator. It was almost an apartment. You could have cried – there was no way you could afford this room.

There was a knock on a door halfway down the wall – obviously this room was connected to another one. You hesitated but opened the door and found Namjoon on the other side.

"Everything ok? Do you need anything?" He asked standing in the doorway with his arms folded on his chest, his legs crossed at the ankles. Suddenly everything seemed a bit overwhelming. The drive, the concert, meeting them and now being in this expensive hotel room. You tried to smile and be reassuring.

"Nope, all I need is a good night's sleep." You smiled. "This room is amazing. Thank you."

"You're welcome. And if you need anything, we are right behind this door." He leaned in closer and lowered his voice. "If we get too loud, feel free to come in and scold us." He winked before closing the door behind him.

Tia sat on the bed, mouth gaping open. She began to laugh almost to the point of hysterics. "Seriously, do you believe this? We are in a hotel room right next to BTS and Namjoon just said we could scold them." She began to fan herself with her hand. "I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep tonight knowing they are so close."

"Well, you may not be able to sleep," you said, hiding a yawn behind your hand. "but I've been up since 6am and I'm toast. I get first dibs on the bathroom."


The band was on the other side of the door breaking out the wine and snacks.

"Such a good show tonight, eh, boys?" Suga said, pouring wine into glasses for each member. "Let's celebrate!" The guys all agreed, each taking a glass and toasting. After consuming the wine, they put their glasses down and began eating the snacks. Snacks to them, of course, would look like a full meal, given the amount of energy they expended over the last few hours.

"Did you see all the hot girls in floor seats? There were some pretty nice ones out there," remarked Jungkook.

"But none of them are as good looking as Worldwide Handsome!" joked Jin. Everyone groaned and Taehyung threw a pillow at him.

"Do you have to bring up your self-made title every. Single. Day?"

"I don't know about you, but I think we have two of them in the very next room," said Jimin, tongue in cheek, looking at the door that separated the rooms. The guys all looked at the door, half of them licking their lips.

"How did we get so lucky? I mean, they are hot." Namjoon said. He could almost feel his manhood twitch.

"Tell me about it. I don't think I'll sleep tonight, knowing they are so close." J-Hope responded, grabbing a chip and shoving it in his mouth. The guys all hummed in agreement and continued to discuss you and Tia long into the night.


You awoke before the alarm went off, surprisingly. Because you had closed both sets of curtains, you couldn't tell if it was morning or still evening, so you rolled over to check your phone. 6:30am. You laid in bed thinking about the previous night and still couldn't believe what had transpired. You and Tia not only travelled 6 hours to see BTS but you met them and they put you up in a hotel room for the night. And not just any hotel room – a room that was directly connected to theirs. By only a door. You could so easily open the door and go in and spy on them as they slept. The thought almost made you giddy. After all, you were still a fan. But you knew they needed to sleep off their long night and it really wouldn't be very nice, despite you desperately wanting to. So instead, you decided to go to the gym on the first floor of the hotel. Thankfully, you'd packed some things just in case you stayed at a hotel for the night and since most of them had a gym, you brought your workout clothes. You turned off the alarm so it wouldn't go off while you were gone and then got up and retrieved your clothes and quietly went into the bathroom, careful not to wake up Tia who had managed to sleep after all. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you almost cried. Your mascara was all over your eyes and your eyeliner was smudged. Sighing, you quickly washed your face and brushed your teeth. After changing into your workout clothes and using the bathroom, you made your way back into the sleeping area to grab your sneakers, your phone, earbuds and your room key.

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