Chapter 15

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*Jimin's POV*

She was thinner. You could tell when you laid your hand on her stomach. She still looked hot as hell, but if she lost too much more weight, she wouldn't. You knew she was on a bad path and that's why you had her come. You wanted help her and you couldn't do that from Korea if she was in the states.

When you saw her step out of the elevator, you wanted to hug her and never let her go. She looked happy enough, but you knew the pain that lay hidden. You had been there. You wanted to comfort her and let her know she was beautiful as she was. That she didn't need to try to be someone she thought she needed to be. That she was loved. That she was enough.

You had talked to the guys once you left the states and even though they didn't know her as well as you did, and God knows you didn't know her all that well, they wanted to help. They had seen what this struggle had done to you and wanted to keep her from following the same path. So they readily agreed to help once she got here.

And now she was. And you were so unbelievably happy. Once you were done this afternoon, you would be able to spend some time with her and watch over her. You may not know her as well as you'd like to, but you had strong feelings for her and wanted only the best for her. Even if it meant possibly causing a little bit of pain in the process.


*Reader POV*

You stretched and yawned. Your neck hurt and so did your back, but you attributed it to the long flight. The nap you just had felt good. You opened your eyes and looked around. Jimin's and Hosoek's room. Toto, you're not in Kansas anymore. The appointments of the room were beautiful, and the bed was really comfortable. You smiled knowing this was the same bed that Jimin – THE Jimin of BTS – slept in. Ok, you really had to get off that. You knew him personally – very personally – so you shouldn't really be fangirling over his bed. But you couldn't help it. You were first a fan. Now? Well, you were a friend. With benefits, you supposed. Although the two of you hadn't really discussed your relationship as such. You slowly sat up and stretched again, then pushed the covers off and stood. You thought you remembered where the bathroom was, so you head there first.

It was pretty quiet, so the guys must still be out doing whatever it was they were doing. Once using the bathroom, you decided to walk around to get a feel for the layout. The hall was long with doors on either side, obviously the guys' bedrooms. There were toys lining the walls and it made you smile. Despite them being rich and famous they were still young men.

You walked into the common area where there were chairs, couches and a large tv. It was connected to a large kitchen with a table that could easily fit ten people. You wondered how often they had people for dinner. You wondered what they were like when it was just them. Oh, you had seen videos, but to some extent, it was fabricated. Knowing a camera is on you makes you act differently, not really revealing yourself. And to be honest, when you're that famous, you need to keep a little part of yourself for you, not the prying eyes of the camera and everyone who's watching.

You were about to head back to Jimin's room when the elevator door opened and the guys walked through. They were happily discussing a funny moment that had happened during the day so they didn't see you right away. You stood still and watched them interact with each other and smiled. They were truly family. Tae's hair was being ruffled by Jungkook, Jhope and Jimin were discussing a particular dance move, Namjoon and Jin were looking at something on Namjoon's phone and Suga brought up the rear, quietly retreating to his room.

Suddenly they stopped as if they could sense they were being watched. They looked at you and immediately went to you with arms wide open, going in for a group hug. Is this how it always is with them?

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