Chapter 8

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You decided to grab some sandwiches and go back to your place to eat. You only had a short time before he had to be back with the group, so you figured this would be the quickest thing. When you got home, you quickly fed the animals while Jimin opened the bag with the food and set things on the table. You grabbed some napkins and sat at one of the chairs. Jimin sat across from you. You began eating in silence, not entirely sure what to say. You felt a little nervous suddenly. Here you were sitting across from Park Jimin. You should be used to it by now – you've been talking with him via text for a while and for heaven's sake, you've slept with him! Why is your heart still beating wildly when you're near him, or when you get a text from him, or a call? Suddenly, he looks up at you and smiles. He licks his lips before taking a drink from his water, never taking his eyes off you. Your mouth feels suddenly dry and you take a long drink from your water as well. You smile back. You had only eaten half of your sandwich but you didn't think you could stomach anymore, so you began to wrap it up for later.

"Not hungry?" Jimin asked, pointing to your sandwich.

"No, not really," you replied quietly, clearing your throat. You offer him another smile and stood up to take care of your sandwich and drink. You could feel him before you felt him. He was standing so close, but not touching you.

"Are you ok?" He asked, causing you to turn around and smile.

"Yeah, I'm ok." You tried to be reassuring, but you feared you failed miserably.

"You sure?" He moved a few inches closer. "Because you seem kind Nervous almost. You know I'm just a guy."

"Of course. It's just...we don't know each other that well and I what I know of you is from what I've seen on videos and the little time we've spent together. I mean, let's be honest, Jimin, you're an idol and I'm....just me." By now, your backside was pressed against the counter. He had moved closer still. The air in the room seemed thicker now, ripe with electricity. He reached up to move your hair away from your face and smiled.

"Let's get to know each other better then." It was barely audible. Had you not been looking at his lips already, you wouldn't have known he said anything at all. He leaned down slowly and gently captured your lips with his. It was barely a whisper of a touch. His lips were so plump and soft and you loved the feel of them. You didn't want to stop kissing him. You almost whimpered when he broke the kiss and smiled a gentle smile. He brushed another hair from your face before stepping back. You smiled shyly and suggested you retreat to the living room to talk. You took a seat on the couch and he sat next to you with your knees almost touching. If you moved a half an inch they would be.

Being there with him brought butterflies to your stomach. The looks he gave you, mesmerizing. Every time he licked his lips, your mouth went dry. When he would laugh heartily, it was like a love song. When he put his hand on your thigh after a comment about something difficult, you looked into his beautiful brown eyes and almost drowned. Everything about him was beautiful.

You talked about all kinds of things – his entry into the group and trainee days, your work, his family, your family, funny stories, and hopes you had for the future. By the time your conversation was done you felt you had a better idea of the man behind the idol. It was comforting to know that you were so similar and were able to understand each other so well. When you first looked at videos featuring him, you had a feeling you would be a lot alike, but you didn't really know how alike until this moment.

Before you knew it, he needed to leave to meet up with the other members. You both stood from the couch and you walked him to the door. You were about to open it for him, when you felt his hand on your shoulder and he turned you around to face him. He walked closer to you, essentially backing you into the door. His hand pressed the door next to your face while the other took residence at your hip.

"I've really enjoyed tonight." He said quietly, scanning your face with his eyes and licking his lips. He did that a lot and the more he did it, the more it turned you on. "I'm glad we've gotten to know each other a little better." His voice barely a whisper.

"Me, too, Jimin." And you meant it. It was so nice to get to know him on a more personal level.

"I'm not sure if I'll be able to see you again before we leave, but I'd like to try if you're ok with that." He face was mere inches from yours, and then he suddenly ducked his head to lick behind your ear. He kissed the same spot before moving lower. You couldn't help but let out a light moan. You could feel him smile into your neck as he gently bit down, then kissed the spot.

"I.." You cleared your throat – it was hard to speak when he was making you feel all kinds of hot. " I would like that very much." Your eyes closed and you allowed yourself to submit to whatever he was giving.

His mouth suddenly found yours and the hand that was on the door beside you found its way to your other hip, pulling your lower body into direct contact with his. You could feel his erection against your belly. You wanted it. His tongue tangled furiously with yours, as if he was saying he wanted it, too. You couldn't get enough and your hands roamed his hard chest and shoulders (God, his shoulders!). You pulled him closer to you, if that was even possible.

He pulled away breathlessly. His eyes were smoldering and he wiped his bottom lip with the pad of his thumb. He stood there for several seconds gathering his breath and warring with himself about whether he truly had to go. In the end, he closed his eyes and sighed.

"I wish I could stay, but I really must go." He said regretfully. He released you and you stood taller to open the door.

"Thank you for coming over, Jimin. It was fun." You smiled and he smiled back. He rubbed your cheek with the pad of his thumb before walking out the door. 

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