Chapter 9

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The following morning was Thursday and it was BTS' last full day in your area. They had a busy schedule, but you hoped you'd be able to at least say goodbye before they left. Jimin had mentioned last night that they would be staying over one more night and leaving first thing Friday morning. There was the hope that you'd be able to connect sometime this evening.

The day at the office was busy – the meeting you had yesterday caused a lot of extra work on your part and you had been swamped by the project. Proposals, financial information and scheduling took up the majority of your day. By the time the day was done, you realized you hadn't stopped much to use the bathroom, let alone eat. Which, given your current goals, was ok by you. Lately, you had been more concerned than usual about your weight and your body image, so missing out on the day's meals was ok by you.

When you got home at 5, you also realized you hadn't had much time to check your phone and you hoped you didn't miss anything important. Unfortunately, when you checked, it appeared Jimin had messaged you more than once.

9:03am - Hey, good morning!

9:10am – Hello? You must be busy...

9:30am – Just wanted to say good morning and hope we will be able to meet up today.

11:13am – Wow. You must be really busy today....

12:01pm – Well, we are getting ready for the show so I hope you're having a good day...wish you'd respond... :(

3:15pm – You haven't responded yet....did I do something wrong last night? :(

4:25pm – please let me know you're ok...

You felt terrible. He had messaged you all day, but you were so busy you didn't get a single one until now. Mostly, you hated that he thought he had done something wrong. You knew how his mind worked – yours worked the same way. You knew he must be really upset with himself thinking he had done something wrong. Immediately, you answered back.

5:03pm to Jimin – Hey, Jimin. I'm so very sorry I haven't answered back until now. Work was crazy and I didn't get much time to take a breath, much less check my phone. You didn't do anything wrong at all. Promise! ;) I hope you're day is going well and that your show goes well too. Would love to meet up if you're able.

You weren't sure when his show started – it was an awards show, so you didn't know how they all worked – so you weren't going to hold your breath in hopes of getting a quick response. You decided to go for a short run to help pass the time and to get the day off your mind.


*Jimin's POV*

What was going on with Y/N? You had messaged her all day and no response. Did you misread things last night? Y/N seemed to be into it and you had some good talks and laughs. And the kisses. Oh yes, the kisses. You had so badly wanted to take her against the door. Or the kitchen counter. Or the couch. Any where. Everywhere. But you knew she was right. You didn't know each other well enough, even though you had already slept together once. And you didn't like one night stands, so this was really the best thing. But your hard on didn't listen. She was hot and you wanted her. But she seemed nervous last night. So when you sent the messages, you thought perhaps she had changed her mind. Or that you had misread things.

Today was jam packed with the event prep – rehearsals, hair, makeup, and wardrobe. The event started at 5 and would end fairly late. You had hoped to be able to meet up with Y/N before you headed home tomorrow. You still had high hopes, but since she wasn't answering....

And then she did. You were about to huddle up before heading to the car to go to the awards show when the message came through. You felt nervous opening the message, afraid of what it might say. But when you did, a big smile came upon your face.

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