Chapter 7

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The next two weeks seemed to drag achingly slowly. The days seemed longer than ever and the nights...well, the nights you were able to sleep seemed to fly. The nights you weren't seemed to drag on forever. Your thoughts consisted of the same thing. Or same person, rather. Jimin. You honestly didn't know what to think about Jimin. He was hot and he was sexy and he was an idol. Famous. And for some reason he decided you were safe enough to give his phone number to and took your number. And he actually used it. Why? What made you so special? You were no one, really. Just a girl from the states who liked BTS. Nothing special about that. There were thousands upon thousands of girls from the states who liked BTS. And yet here you were. "Friends" with Jimin.

When Tuesday morning arrived, you were excited and nervous all at the same time. At some point during the day, the guys would arrive, and they would have rehearsal. Or maybe they were already here. You weren't sure when their flight would land. You didn't get specifics. Jimin never offered the information and you didn't inquire. You didn't want to overstep or seem too much of a fangirl. The guys deserved their space and unfortunately the media didn't do a good job of letting them be. They were the media after all.

It was about 2:30 in the afternoon when you received a text from Jimin. You had been in a meeting with other members of your team and your boss when it came through so you weren't able to answer it right away. Truth be told, you didn't even know it came until your meeting was over since cell phones were banned from meetings. As soon as you returned to your desk, you checked your phone and saw that he had contacted you. You excitedly checked the message.

Jimin: Hey, we are done rehearsals but have a few interviews today so I will try to contact you tonight, but I can't make any promises. Just wanted to let you know we arrived.

You smiled at his thoughtfulness. As you were about to reply, a coworker asked a question which required your immediate attention, so you put your phone back on your desk and got back to work.

It was several hours later after you returned home that you remembered you hadn't replied to Jimin yet. Pulling out your phone, you sat at the bar in your kitchen and pulled up his message.

You: Hey, glad to hear you made it. Check in when you can. No worries!

You expected there to be a long wait for his response so you decided to get in your pajamas and settle in with a book before bed. Stripping off your work clothes and hanging them up, you chose a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. You then padded to the bathroom to wash away the day from your face and brush your teeth. Crawling into bed, you plugged in your phone and rested it on your nightstand, then grabbed the book you had started a few weeks ago and pulled the covers over your body. Before you knew it, your eyes were getting heavy and they closed for the night.

The following morning, your alarm woke you at its normal time. Yawning and sighing you hit the snooze button. "Just a few more minutes," you mumbled and rolled over. The second time it sounded you decided if you were going to get your workout in, you needed to get up. Shutting off the alarm, you yawned again and headed into the bathroom. Once changed and teeth brushed, you headed downstairs for your sneakers and decided on an upper body workout. You loved arm and ab day. You always felt strong afterwards and were getting some great results.

By the time your workout was done, you were hot and sweaty and ready for a shower. The warm stream of water massaged your worked muscles and you allowed a few extra moments to stand under it. You closed your eyes and sighed, feeling the tension in your shoulders to melt away and go down the drain with the water. You always held your tension in your shoulders and only when you allowed yourself to truly relax did they complain. By the time you got out of the shower, you felt relaxed and ready to start your day.

As you walked out of the bathroom into your bedroom to change, you heard your phone indicating a text message had been received. Hoping it was Jimin, you ran to pick it up. Unfortunately, it was only Tia reminding you of an important meeting for later in the day. You tried to forget about the meeting actually. It wasn't one you wanted to go to. Sighing, you put the phone down and walked over to your closet to choose your clothes. You hated this part of getting ready. You dreaded it, if you were being honest. If you were smart, you'd pick out your clothes the night before, but you never did. You spent countless minutes trying on clothes, only to dislike each piece once you looked in the mirror. You'd throw them on your bed and pick something else to try, eventually choosing the first outfit you picked. Why you never just stuck with the first one was beyond you. You'd think after so many years of going through this charade you'd learn. Clearly not.

It was when you had finally gotten dressed when another text message came through. You ran to your phone and a smile came to your face. A text from Jimin.

Jimin: Good morning! How are you?

You: I'm good, how are you? How are things going?

Jimin: They are going well! We have some time later this afternoon, say around 4 if you want to get together.

Your meeting was at 3 and you weren't sure how long it was going to take. You had no choice but to go to this meeting, so there was no way you could skip out early.

You: I have an important meeting at 3. Not sure how long I'll be.

Jimin: That's fine. I have until 7 free, so just text me when you're out. :)

You: Ok sounds good.

Jimin: I hope you have a good day. :)

You: Thanks! You too! Talk later. :)

You smiled as you brought your phone into the bathroom with you to finish getting ready.


The morning dragged, but after lunch as you prepared for the meeting, it seemed to fly. Funny how that tends to happen when you are dreading something. Finally, 3:00 came as did the meeting. It was with your boss, her boss and a few outside people and it was to discuss an upcoming project that you would be working on. Normally, you didn't mind projects like this, but this one cut too close to home and you were afraid of inadvertently interjecting personal feelings into it.

Finally, at 4:30 the meeting concluded and you were able to pack up and head out for the day. Putting notes from the meeting in your bag, you shut down your computer and headed to your car. When you walked outside you noticed someone leaning next to it. You could tell it was a male. He was thin, wore sunglasses, a black sweater and black jeans that he must have been poured into. They fit him like a glove. To complete the outfit, he wore black shoes and classy hoop earrings. He was checking his phone.

"Um, excuse me, that's my ca-" You stopped talking when he looked up. It was Jimin. You could tell by the smile he gave you as he walked towards you. And his walk. The man had a very distinct walk – he could give runway models a run for their money. "Jimin!"

"Hey," he said, almost shyly. You both stopped when there was about 2 feet between you. "I hope you don't mind me showing up. I just....well, to be honest, I couldn't wait." He looked down at his shoes, then back up at you with a smirk and licked his lips.

"I'm glad you did," you replied. " did you know what I drive?" You asked, suddenly wondering just how many contacts he has available to him.

"Facebook." He said. "You posted a picture of your car when you got it not that long ago and it included the license plate so..."

"Oh, so you're a stalker," you teased, adjusting the strap of your bag on your shoulder. He noticed and immediately offered to take it. "Oh, no it's ok. It's fine. But you never disputed the fact that you're a stalker. Should I be worried?" You asked, walking around him to open your car and leaned in to put your bag inside. As you started to back up, you felt his hands come around your waist and pull you back to him.

"I'm only a stalker when I want something." He whispered close to your ear, making the hair on the back of your neck stand at attention. "Or someone." 

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