Chapter 14

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Your first solo flight wasn't that bad. You didn't miss any connecting flights and you were able to retrieve your luggage. You felt accomplished. Silly, really, since you were a grown woman, but traveling alone made you anxious, as did a lot of things, so this felt great to be able to do this on your own. Especially since you were going to a foreign country where you didn't speak the language.

Jimin knew your travel plans since his manager made all the arrangements, so he knew when you'd arrive. Because it wasn't safe for him to meet you there (you were both disappointed about that), he sent his manager, Sejin, to collect you. Jimin had sent you his picture so you'd know who to look for upon arrival and thankfully he was easy to spot.

Once you met, he lead you to the car which took you to the dorm where the boys stayed. As soon as the car parked in front of the large building, your nerves got the better of you and you began to sweat. Your breath hitched a little. Your heartrate picked up. You were actually here and only moments away from seeing Jimin and the guys.

The door was opened for you and you thanked him before turning around to grab your bags. Sejin lead you up the steps and into the building. As you walked in, you took in the beauty of the place. Tall windows lined the walls. It was an open concept that was very inviting. Sejin took you to the elevators and stepped in ahead of you, holding the door open for you. You were able to make small talk during the quick ride up and he seemed very nice.

The doors opened on their floor and you were greeted with seven pairs of eyes and grinning lips. Your anxiety immediately melted away. You stepped off the elevator and was immediately enveloped in a group hug, with Jimin of course hugging you the closest. You breathed each other in and the others squeezed you tightly. You all began laughing simultaneously, so excited to finally be together.

You didn't know the others as well as you did Jimin, but the time you had spent with them made you love them and admire them even more. You almost felt like part of the family. This welcome felt like you were fully in.

"Hey guys," you said, chuckling. "It's nice to see you, too."

"We are so happy you're here!" Hoseok said, as you all broke apart. Except Jimin. He seemed to hold on a little tighter and longer.

"I'm so excited to be here! It was a long flight, though. I don't know how you guys do it all the time. It's exhausting!" You put your luggage down in the corner near a door to a room. You figured you'd get a tour at some point and find where you'd be staying.

"You look tired," Jimin said, brushing your hair away from your face. His eyes were focused on yours and his eyebrows were knit. "You should probably rest for a while."

"I agree, you should rest for a while. We can catch up later. We have a few things to do anyway," Namjoon said. The guys took their lead from him and patted you on the shoulder or offered a wave as they left you and Jimin alone.

You smiled up at him and he smiled at you. It was a true, genuine smile. Not the one you had last seen on him.

"I'm so glad you're here," he whispered, kissing your nose gently. Your eyes closed, but your smile remained. Your arms reached up to his neck. You loved how gentle and sweet he could be. You loved the sexy, confident, almost domineering side, too, but this one melted your heart every time.

"Me too," you replied.

"Let's get you to bed." He took your hand in his and grabbed your bags with his other hand, leading you down the hall to what appeared to be his room he shared with Hoseok. There were two queen sized beds and it was beautifully furnished. There was plenty of space for them to have their own while at the same time not being too big. He put your bag on the floor at the foot of one of the beds. "This one is mine. Ours, for the two weeks you're here."

"Whose is the other bed?" You inquired, sitting on Jimin's bed.

"Hobi's. He said he would give us plenty of space though if we needed some private time," he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively as he sat down next to you. It made you giggle.

"Well, that was nice of him." You laid back down on the bed and let out a big sigh. "I'm so tired." Jimin laid back down next to you, then rolled onto his side.

"How was your flight?" He asked, resting his head on one of his hands. The other hand rested on your belly, his thumb rubbing gently over the small amount of skin that was visible there.

"Good. I was nervous, but it all worked out." You turned your head to face him.

"And here you are." He smiled and leaned over to kiss you.

"And here I am." You reached up and tugged his head closer to you to deepen the kiss. His tongue, gently at first, massaged yours, but as the kiss went on, began to tangle. Wrestle for dominance. His body moved closer, but still remained next to you. You missed this. You missed his kisses, his touch. You missed his very capable tongue on you, in you. You missed his hands memorizing every inch of you. Your hands touched his hair and ruffled it as you returned his fevered kisses with your own.

Without warning, he broke the kiss, panting next to you. "You need to rest. We have time for this later." He kissed your nose and then stood up. He held out his hand and you took it. He pulled you to standing and kissed your lips sweetly before turning down the bedding for you.

"Where's the bathroom? I need to go in before I lay down." He lead you, hands still locked, to the bathroom that was a few rooms down.

"I'll give you a tour later, but for now, this is it. Take all the time you need. Should I wait for you here, or can you find the room when you're done?"

"I think I can find it." He squeezed your hand before letting go.

"Ok, I'll leave you to it. I have to go with the guys for a little bit, but we will be back and Jin will make us some dinner."

"Sounds great. Thank you, Jimin. For everything." You leaned against the door. He looked at you and smiled.

"You're welcome." He stood still for several moments before speaking once more. "I'm so glad you're here," and disappeared to meet up with the others.

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