Chapter 21

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Over the next couple of days, things went back to the way they had been before you ran out of the studio. The guys had rehearsals and small events, and you continued to workout twice a day and eat very little. Despite your conversation with Jimin, you had no intention of gaining any of the weight back or stop losing. In fact, it only caused you to want to make sure you didn't gain any of it back and instead lose a few more pounds.

Yesterday, because the guys were gone all day, you were fortunate to be able to be on your liquid only diet all day, which included lots of water and one protein shake. And of course, your double workouts, weights and a long run. You had eaten dinner with them, of course, so they wouldn't worry, but you ate as little as you could get away with. Because of the guys' strenuous dance rehearsals that day, Jimin was tired and didn't initiate any sex from you, and you were ok with it – after all, being intimate wasn't all about sex. It was about more than that. Being with them. Cuddling. Talking. Enjoying one another on a different level. That meant more to you than the sex – although, you wouldn't lie – the sex was off the charts amazing.

Today, however, the guys had a short day, so they were home earlier than usual. It must have been a surprise to them, because you hadn't planned on them returning when they did, which was shortly after lunchtime. Which of course you skipped in favor of a long run on the treadmill. You hadn't eaten anything since dinner last night and it was now 2pm.

You were halfway through your run on the treadmill when the guys got home. You were pushing it extra hard – using the incline to a high degree and the speed as fast as you could stand it. You were running so hard and the music in your ear buds was so loud you never heard the door to the workout room open, and certainly didn't notice Jungkook and Jin walk in. There was no mirror in front of the treadmill, so they were able to use weights behind you without your knowledge of them being there.

*Jungkook's POV*

As soon as you walked in, you knew it was bad. She was running like her life depended on it, the music in her ears clearly edging her along. In her workout clothes she looked thinner than she did when she arrived, but since you hadn't seen her in workout clothes when she arrived, it could be deceiving. But you doubted it. Not after what Jimin and Namjoon had told you. No, she was a girl on a mission and the mission she was on clearly wasn't a good one.

You looked at Jin who, like you, had a worried expression on his face. She didn't know you were there, so you and Jin thought you could work out and keep a covert eye on her at the same time. Little did you know how lucky you were to be at the right place at the right time.

*Reader POV*

When you were finally done your run, you shut off the treadmill and stepped off, turning around, stll breathing very hard from the exertion. You let out a quick screech when you noticed Jin and Jungkook using the weights behind the treadmill. They turned around when they heard you.

"What...are you doing here?" You asked between breaths, clutching your chest.

"We got out early, so Jin and I thought we'd catch a quick workout. You look like you've seen a ghost." He chuckled.

"I...just wasn't expecting you home this soon." Would have been nice to let me know, Jimin, you thought, as you guzzled some water from your bottle. You started to walk towards the door, when everything began to spin. The machines floated around, the weights did, too and suddenly the ceiling and the floor seemed to meet. Then everything went dark.

"Shit," Jungkook muttered, as he and Jin ran over to you. Jin got there first and cradled your head in his lap.

"Go get Jimin," Jin said, and Jungkook took off to find him. Jin brushed the hair from your face and looked at you. You looked so peaceful and wished so desperately you could see what everyone else sees in you. Your smile, your energy, your beauty. You were special and you deserved self-love. He just wished they could give it to you, but he knew they couldn't. That was a gift only you could give yourself. As he touched your face, you felt warm, but cold at the same time. Clammy. Sweaty.

Jimin entered the room at a mad run and nearly ran into you as he skid on the floor. "Y/N? Baby, wake up. Y/N....Y/N!!" The look in his eyes was nothing Jin had ever seen before and he felt sorry for his brother that he had to witness something they all witnessed when it had been him lying on the ground all those years ago when he had passed out after a performance. It was panic. Not knowing what to do or how to help.

"Jimin, she'll be ok. I think she just passed out. Give her a minute and she will be right back with us." Jin said quietly, trying to calm his friend. Jimin's wild eyes looked at Jin, then scanned your face. He touched your cheek and leaned over to gently kiss your forehead. It was at that moment you began to stir.

"Y/N??" Jimin said quietly. You opened your eyes and looked around, your eyes finally landing on Jimin's scared face. "Baby?"

"Jimin? What happened?" You said as you tried to sit up.

"Woah, not yet, just lie still for a moment." Jimin pulled you into his lap and cradled you into his arms. He brushed the hair from your face and kissed your forehead a few more times. "I was so scared. So scared," he whispered.

"What happened? I was heading out the door and then all of a sudden the room was spinning and then everything went dark. Did I pass out?" You asked, only now seeing Jungkook and Jin standing above you.

"Yes, you did. It looked like you were running pretty hard there when we walked in to begin our workout." Jin explained, partly to you, but also to Jimin who had looked up at Jin as he spoke. Jimin closed his eyes and dropped his gaze back to you and let out a sigh.

"Are you ok to get up?" Jungkook asked. You thought for a moment, then nodded. He extended a hand to help you up and Jimin gently pushed you to your feet, then got to his own. You ran a hand through the hair that had escaped your pony tail. Jungkook picked up the water bottle you had dropped when you it the floor. He passed it to you, then asked, "Do you hurt anywhere? Your head or back or anything? We can get the staff medic in to check you out if you'd like. I guess we should have done that before getting you up, actually, now that I think about it."

You shook your head no. "I think I'm ok. I'm just tired. I think I want to go lay down for a while." Jimin walked you out of the room with his hand around your waist, making sure you made it to his room without fail.

When they were out of the room, Jin and Jungkook gave each other a look. "She's not getting better, is she, Hyung?" Jungkook said.

"No, I don't think so." Jin replied, and they resumed the workout they had begun. 

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