Chapter 3

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When the concert was over, you and Tia said goodbye to Jenny. As you were making your way to the exit, you felt someone pull at your shirt from behind. You turned to look to your right and see a gentleman crooking his finger for you and Tia to follow him out of the crowd. You hesitated – who was he and what did he want? You were in an unfamiliar place and God only knew what he wanted to do to you. You looked at Tia questionably, who looked at him skeptically, then turned your attention back to the man. You shook your head no. It wasn't a good idea. You attempted to continue towards the exit, but the same man grabbed your arm.

"Hey!" You exclaimed nervously.

"Ma'am, can you please follow me?" The man asked. "Someone wants to have a word with you."

A knot began to form in your belly. Should you go? If Tia was there, there was safety in numbers, right? Nothing could go wrong with two, right? You looked to Tia for an answer. She shrugged her shoulders.

"Ok, but she's coming with me." You said. " And I have mace." You declared. You were not taking any chances.

The man chuckled. "I don't think mace will be necessary, but your friend is welcome to come as well. Please follow me." He began walking in the opposite direction of the exit, looking back to be sure you were following him. You exchanged nervous glances with Tia as you followed him. Where was he taking you? Who wanted to speak with you? Did you violate some rule? You didn't think you had, but what did you know? You hadn't been there before.

The further down the corridor you were lead, the more uncomfortable you felt until he turned and opened a door. Inside there were some couches and tables with snacks and chairs. No one was in the room so you immediately felt the hair on the back of your neck stand up.

"Um, sir, I'm not sure who wants to speak with us, but it appears they aren't here." You pointed out. The man turned to you and smiled.

"They'll be here in a minute. They are changing." You looked at him with a blank expression. Could it be? He laughed and shook his head. "Help yourself to any of the snacks on the table. There's water and soda in the fridge." And then he was gone.

You and Tia stood stock still for several moments, not sure what to make of the situation. When you dared to glance at each other you both began to giggle like school girls.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Tia asked, pulling her lower lip between her teeth.

"You don't really think it's them, do you? I mean, why would they want to see us?" You ran your fingers through your hair nervously.

"Who cares?! If it's really them this is going to be the most amazing night ever." Tia went over to one of the tables and grabbed a handful of MNM's that were in a bowl and popped them in her mouth.

"Tia! What are you doing?" you scolded.

"What? He said we could have some." Tia was always the one to do something like that. You were always the one who hesitated.

Suddenly a door opened and in walked the seven most handsome men you ever saw. All of them. And they wanted to meet you. They all smiled at you and Tia and shook your hand as they came in. You knew that wasn't customary in Korea, so you were happy with the sentiment. You and Tia were literally speechless, but the guys helped to ease your thoughts.

"Thank you for coming back. We just wanted to say hello." Jimin spoke first as he shook your hand. You couldn't quite place the look on his face, but it was somewhere between smoldering and smirking. You blushed and ran your other hand through your hair nervously. He must have noticed it as he smiled at you.

You looked at Tia who was staring at J-Hope, then you looked back at Jimin. "Thanks for having us back here."

"Are you hungry? Want anything to eat?" Jin said, offering you something from the table with a smile.

"I'm all set, thanks," you replied. "But Tia here helped herself before you came in." You looked sideways at her and she looked back at you with wide eyes, embarrassed that you would tell on her.

"I couldn't help it. It's been a long day and I was hungry." She pouted. The guys laughed, which helped to put you both at ease.

"So what did you think of the show?" Namjoon asked, sitting in a nearby chair backwards.

"It was phenomenal," replied Tia.

"The amount of energy you all have from start to finish is astounding." You added. " I don't know how you do it!"

"The special effects were amazing, too." Tia continued. "And Jungkook flying around everyone – I was afraid the cable would snap and you'd fall." Jungkook smiled.

"I'm strapped in pretty good and the guys who set it up make sure it's secure. Don't worry." He replied with a smile.

"So where are you from?" asked J-Hope.

"We're from Maine." Tia answered.

"Is that nearby?" asked Taehyung before taking a long drink of water from a bottle.

"It's about 6 hours away. In fact," you said, pulling your phone from your back pocket and checking the time. "It's getting late, we have a long ride home and I've been up since 6am."

"Wait, you're driving home tonight?" Jimin asked, clearly alarmed.

"Yeah, it's just easier that way. If necessary, we will stop part way home if I get too tired to continue driving, but we will try to make it all the way." You answered, replacing your phone in your back pocket, flattered by his concern.

"No, that won't do. Namjoon, let's see if we can hook the girls up with a room in the hotel." Jimin said. "It's not right for them to drive that far, especially given the hour."

"No, no that's ok. Thank you, though," you replied, but Tia was pulling on your shirt.

"Of course it's ok! Come on! When will you get another chance to be in the same hotel as BTS?! Come on! Take the room! " Tia whispered almost angrily.

"I agree with your friend here," said J-Hope. "Take the room." He said with a smile. You almost felt ambushed. But it was BTS. And Tia was right – when would you get another chance to share a hotel with them? You looked at each of the boys and then back at Tia. You ran your fingers through your hair again and sighed.

"Ok, fine. We will accept the room," you said and everyone sighed as if they had been holding their breath. "On one condition."

"What's that?" asked Namjoon.

"That we pay for the hotel room. We won't accept the room unless we pay. It wouldn't be right." 

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