Chapter 6

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It had been several days since the concert and your life had gotten back to normal. Work each day and at night going home to your animals. You and Jimin had messaged a couple of times, but since his schedule was so crazy and the time zones were so different, it wasn't a frequent thing.

You had just gotten home from work when your phone buzzed indicating a new text message. You smiled at the sender.

Jimin: Hey! How are you? ;)

You: Hey! I'm good. How are things with you?

Jimin: Good. We've been busy with fan meets and small events, but they've been great.

You: Have there been any crazy fans? ;)

Jimin: haha not too bad.

Sitting down on the couch, you folded your legs underneath yourself, grabbed a nearby pillow and placed it in your lap.

You: So no one assaulting you or asking you to marry them? ;)

Jimin: No assaults, but I did get a couple of marriage proposals.

You: Only a couple? I'm truly shocked. Did you accept either one? ;)

Jimin: No. lol

You: Why not? They could have been the perfect match!!

Jimin: Wasn't interested. lol

You: No? They weren't cute enough?

Jimin: No, I'm just getting to know someone and didn't want to make any rash decisions. ;)

You smiled at that. Ok, if you were honest, you were giddy. The two of you continued your conversation for several more minutes before he ended it due to another work commitment. After sending your last text, you sighed happily and went to the kitchen to make dinner.


*Jimin's POV*

Talking to Y/N made your day. You were tired. The fan meet that was held today was fun, but as with all of them, exhausting. While you loved meeting fans, there was thousands of them who came to the fan meets and keeping up enough mental energy to meet them all was tiring. Despite that, you had to check in with Y/N. You hadn't been able to get her off your mind since that morning a few days ago in the hotel room. You couldn't explain it. There was something different about her and you needed to learn more about her. You never got tied up with a fan like that, so it was very uncharacteristic of you to have sex with her after knowing her less than 24 hours. Truth be told, you hated one-night stands, even if you needed a little relief. Even now after texting with her for a few minutes, you were semi hard. How did she have this effect on you?

When your conversation ended, you stood up and adjusted yourself before heading out to the main room so you and the other members could rehearse the choreography to the new song.


*Reader POV*

Over the next several weeks, you and Jimin texted several times, though not every day. His schedule was crazy, as usual, and so was yours. You barely had time to come up for air, let alone each lunch, which if you were honest, you were ok with. You didn't mind missing a few meals in your quest for a better figure.

Since meeting the guys of BTS you paid even closer attention to your eating habits and your physique. You weren't sure if you'd ever see them again – you hoped you would. You did have Jimin's number after all. But you just never know. They were so busy and so were you. But if there was ever a chance that you would meet up again, you wanted to be sure you looked ok. And truthfully, you still weren't happy with your appearance. So, the workouts got harder. The runs got longer. And the eating..well, the eating was always your biggest challenge. You were always hungry and it was quite a project to see how much or how little you could eat in order to see results.

It was after a particularly long run that you received a facetime call from him. You still couldn't believe you and Jimin, a famous idol, had each other's cell phone numbers. You accepted the call with a smile, only then realizing how awful you must look, since you were sweaty and in workout clothes, and almost regretted accepting. Almost.

"Hey! How are you?" He asked with a smile. You loved his eye smile. It was adorable and it made you relax and forget about how you looked.

"I'm good, how are you? What time is it there?" You asked, checking the time on your alarm clock.

"It's 8pm." He said, licking his lips. He ran his hand through his hair and sat down on the bed in his hotel room. "Did you just workout?" He asked, squinting his eyes to try and see better.

"Yeah, just got back from a long run." You said, collapsing on your bed, belly down.

"How far did you go?" He asked, laying down on his bed to mimic your position.

"8 miles tonight," you responded, taking your ponytail out and running your hands through your hair, fluffing it. Jimin licked his lips again and pulled his lower lip through his teeth. "Felt so good." You could almost hear him swallow. You could definitely see his adam's apple bob up and down. You rested your chin in your hand and smiled. You knew you were getting to him. Just a little. And it was exciting because you didn't think someone like yourself could ever "get" to anyone.

He cleared his throat. "So, uh, what are you doing today?" He ran his hands through his hair. Again.

"Not sure. I haven't made up my mind past my run." You changed your position on the bed so you were sitting back against the headboard and pillows. He changed his position to match yours. Coincidence? You couldn't be sure.

"Well listen, we are heading back state side for a couple of days for an event and I wondered if you wanted to get together. You know. Just for a few hours." He was acting all kinds of cute as he spoke and you thought it was endearing. That was the beauty of Park Jimin. He had a duality you couldn't resist. He could be cute and loveable one minute and then bam! Sexy and lethal the next. It was mindboggling, truly. Once you got over his cuteness you had to register what he actually said.

"Um get together? Sure." You replied. Butterflies immediately invaded your stomach. "When are you coming back?"

"In a couple of weeks. We will be there Tuesday through Friday. We have an event on Thursday and rehearsals Tuesday and Wednesday, but I'd love to try and meet up. If you're able to." He pulled his lip through his teeth. You smiled and agreed to meet. Two weeks. You had two weeks....

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