Chapter 5

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It was time for you and Tia to begin the journey home. You hated to leave, especially after what happened between you and Jimin. How would it work? Was it a one-time thing? It had to be. There was no way things could continue. He was a famous artist traveling the world and living thousands of miles away. You were a nobody living in the United States with a normal job. The thought of never seeing him again, never feeling his body pressed against yours, of him never being inside you again was heartbreaking. But the reality was, it couldn't work.

You and Tia showered and dressed, packed your bags and decided to say goodbye to the guys and thank them for their generosity before you left. You knocked on the door separating the rooms and waited for a response. The door opened wide and J-Hope stood showing a bright smile.

"Hey!" He stood aside, waiting for the two of you to enter.

"Thanks," Tia said, blushing at him.

When you walked in you noticed how messy the room was. Clearly they'd had a fun time last night. Bottles, food containers, plates, and clothes strewn around. Despite being famous, they were still young men in their twenties.

"We have to head out, but wanted to thank you so much for the room. It was really nice of you," you said, looking at each of them. Your eyes stopped when they met Jimin's gorgeous brown eyes. He licked his lips and smiled.

"It was no trouble, really," Namjoon replied with a smile. "Glad to do it." You turned your attention to him and returned his smile. You didn't want to leave. You wanted to stay here with them and hang out, talk, joke. But the reality was you couldn't and needed to get home. They had to catch a plane at some point, as well. Your eyes returned to Jimin one last time. The look in his eyes mirrored your thoughts.

"Well, um, thanks again and I hope you have a safe trip home," you said with a wave. Namjoon closed the gap between you and enveloped you in a big hug.

"It was great to meet you. Hope we'll be able to see each other again." Each of the members hugged both you and Tia. When it was Jimin's turn, his arms snaked around your waist and he licked your neck right before whispering, "check your phone." He left a kiss below your ear and pulled away with a wink, turning your cheeks a bright shade of crimson.

Once you and Tia had bid them farewell, you walked back into your room and gathered your things before heading downstairs to checkout. When you got to the counter and handed over your room key, the hostess smiled and indicated the room had been paid for.

"There must be some mistake. I'm paying for the room and I haven't paid yet." The woman checked the computer but shook her head.

"Ma'am, it says the room is paid for." You sighed, not sure what to do. You did not want the band to think you used them for their money, but you knew there was no way you could pay for the room. It was simply too extravagant.

"Does it say who paid for the room?" Tia asked, also confused. The woman looked at the screen again and simply said, "BigHit".

"Well, they did offer to put us up," Tia reasoned. "And it's already been paid..." You looked at her and shook your head. You needed to repay them. This simply wasn't going to stand as is.

"Ok, is there anyway, I can offset part of their bill? Their food, perhaps, or something? I can't have someone else pay my...our hotel room." You said, looking to Tia for confirmation, then looking back at the woman.

"It's kind of unconventional, but we could do something like that. How much did you want to put towards their bill?" You gave her an amount that you would feel comfortable with. It wouldn't cover the cost of the room, but it would cover a good portion of it and would make you feel better about having stayed over. You hated the thought of them paying for your hotel stay, even if it had been their idea in the first place. "'re all set." The hostess gave you a smile and bid you a safe ride home.

When you a Tia stuffed your luggage in the car and had settled in your seats for the ride home, you remembered what Jimin had said as he hugged you goodbye. You pulled out your phone, which was needed anyway for directions, and gasped. There was a text message. From him. How did he get in your phone? You wondered. You never gave it to him. Thinking back on the time in his room, you had excused yourself to go to the bathroom. That must have been when he took your phone and put his number in your phone, and clearly he had your info now, too.

"What's up?" Tia asked, after buckling her seat belt.

"Jimin told me to check my phone when we were saying goodbye." You looked at Tia. "He must have put his contact info in my phone." You showed Tia your phone with the text message notification showing on your lock screen. Tia's eyes became wide and she alternated between your phone and you.

"Well, what does he say?" She all but screamed. You opened the message. Five little words held so much meaning.

Jimin: Wish we'd had more time. ;)

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