Chapter 11

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You awoke to your phone. A notification of a missed phone call came through. You sleepily reached for it, hoping not to wake Jimin. You looked back at him and sighed thankfully that he was still asleep. Once you got the phone you sat up slowly, pulling the blanket to cover your nakedness. You checked to see who had called and looked at the time as it practically yelled at you.

"Crap!" you exclaimed. It was 10am, two hours after you should have been at work. You quickly got out of bed and ran to the bathroom. When you came out a few minutes later, Jimin had woken up and was rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He looked absolutely adorable and if you had had more time to devote to staring you would have done just that.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" he asked, putting his feed in his underwear and sliding it up his legs.

"I'm so sorry – it's a work day for me and I am already two hours late. I still have to shower and change and oh my gosh. I'm so dead." He watched with a smile as you raced around the room to put on clothes and gather your things. He chuckled and scratched the back of his neck.

"Why don't you just call out sick? It's Friday after all. I'm leaving soon and would like to spend the last few hours with you." That had you stopping in your tracks. You looked up from pulling on your pants and looked into his eyes. The brown orbs were honestly the most beautiful things you had ever seen. Well, that and his back...and his chest...and abs...and well, everything about him.

 You have never called out sick. Ever. The thought never had occurred to you.

He came over to you and put his hands on your shoulders, giving you a quick kiss on the lips. "Please?" He kissed you again on your lips, then walked towards the bathroom and before shutting the door, he turned around and said again, "please?"

How could you resist Park Jimin when he said it like that?



You called out sick. You apologized profusely for the late notice and they were understanding since you had never done it before. Before hanging up, you promised to do some work at home on the project over the weekend. You and Jimin and the rest of the guys hung out and played video games. You weren't really into them that much, but it seemed to make them happy to have you play along, so you did.

When lunch came, they decided on pizza since they had to head out soon. It was quick and easy and everyone liked it. As they ordered, you excused yourself and headed into another room. You got on your fitness/weight loss app and opened the journal.

"This sucks." You wrote. "They are all ordering pizza and I'm going to have to eat, but I don't want to. If I start I won't want to stop and I can't gain any weight. I CAN'T. I won't. This is stressing me out. I already feel fat next to them and having to eat in front of them is going to make things worse. But I'll have to so they won't get concerned. I just wish I could eat like a normal person. I wish I didn't think about this. All. The. Time."

You heard voices coming your way so you put your phone in your pocket and turned around. "All ordered?" You asked with a smile.

"Yes!" Hoseok exclaimed happily. "Three pepperoni, one cheese and two with everything on it." You couldn't believe they would or could eat all that. But then again with their intense dancing and performances, they probably could. You laughed as Jimin came up next to you and put his arm around your waist.

"You can actually eat all that?"

"Oh yeah. We may have a little left over, but for the most part, it will be gone. We do share with our staff, too." Taehyung explained standing next to Jimin who had by now dropped his hand to your ass, drawing circles and just being really touchy. You liked it. You liked knowing he wanted to touch you.

When the pizza arrived, everyone sat around the big table in the kitchen of the suite you were in. Many of their staff came in quickly to grab a slice or two then went out to continue preparations to leave. You grabbed a slice of pepperoni and ate, hoping no one would look in your direction. It was the only slice you allowed yourself to have, but watching the others made you wish you could have another. But you couldn't risk it. You couldn't risk tomorrow's weigh in. Not to mention you didn't work out this morning, unless you counted the two times you and Jimin had sex. And it had been pretty energetic, so maybe you were ok.

You excused yourself from the table to take care of your plate and napkin and decided to get a refill on your drink. Your back was turned from the guys so you didn't notice Jimin pick up your phone that had fallen out of your back pocket. When he picked it up, he noticed the fitness app was open and consequently your journal. His brows furrowed as he read some of what you had written. He quickly put it down just in time, as you turned around to come back to the table.


*Jimin's POV*

You were concerned over Y/N. You knew all too well about the struggle. You yourself had at one point not eaten for 10 days to lose weight before the other members helped you out of that hole you were digging yourself into. This was no joke. It was serious business and you wanted to be sure she was ok. But you were leaving and there was no way for you to stay.

You knew after that day when they two of you talked to get to know each other better that she worked out a lot and was careful about what she ate – you loved that about her. Knowing she took care of herself and wanted to be fit. She was hot, there was no denying that. She looked sexy as hell underneath you. Over you. But you were sad that she didn't feel that way about herself. Sad that she struggled so badly with similar issues. Scared that she would take it too far. Frustrated about not being able to help. 

There had to be something you could do. But it had to be from a distance of about 13 hours. Because you couldn't stay. And she couldn't leave. 

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