Chapter 17

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CH 17

*Namjoon's POV*

Seeing the door close behind the two of them when they went into the small office made you a little nervous. Jimin had confided in you his fears when you left the states before. He had seen an excerpt from Y/N's journal on her app and it freaked him right out. Jimin had had body image issues in the past and didn't wish that on anyone. You had seen Jimin struggle and it hurt your heart that he had done what he had. You and the other members of the group and helped Jimin through his issue and had helped him find an outside source to confide in. It had helped him, along with talking with the members when he'd had an especially hard day.

That was why you agreed to help Jimin help Y/N. All of you would. You and the guys genuinely liked Y/N and hated that she felt the way she did. No one could understand the depths of her pain, but you all wanted to help in any way you could.

When Y/N and Jimin emerged from the office, you had a hard time reading the situation. Y/N excused herself from the room and Jimin came over to you.

"Well, how'd it go?" You asked, watching Y/N walk out the door of the studio. Jimin sighed and looked at the ground, before looking at the door she had just walked through.

"She's trying to tell me she's ok. Maybe she is Joon-Hyung. Maybe she's ok."

"But you saw her journal, right?" I asked, looking into his worried eyes.

"Yes. And it scared me. The things she had written. They were like the thoughts I used to have."

"Then she's clearly trying to hide it from you. We need to keep an eye on her and if necessary, have a group meeting. All 8 of us."

"What, like an intervention?" You shook your shoulders.

"Maybe. If it gets to that point. For now, we keep an eye on her. If things get out of hand, we do the meeting."


*Reader POV*

You had to get out of there before you lost it. You didn't want to lose it in front of them. You needed air and you needed it fast. You excused yourself from the room and walked out closing the door quietly -more quietly than you felt. You wanted to slam the door and run, panic settling in.

Once you reached the outside, you took in a deep breath and closed your eyes. You opened them slowly and looked around, taking in what was in front of you. It was a busy city street. Cars and people were everywhere. You wanted to get lost in the crowd, just for a little while. You needed time to think and figure out a plan. You refused to gain any more weight. Panic literally would rear its ugly head at the hint of gaining weight and the 3 pounds already gained...well, let's just say your anxiety was on overload.

So you began walking down the street. You had no idea where you were going. All you knew is you needed to walk and you needed air. As you wandered the streets, you contemplated leaving. You didn't want to, but you didn't want the scrutiny. You wanted to do your thing and be left alone about it. You were fine. You didn't need any help. You were just trying to get healthy. Feel good about yourself. Love yourself. Isn't that what their message was all about?

You had been walking for quite a while before your phone buzzed indicating a text message. You pulled your phone out and saw that it was Jimin.

Jimin: Hey, where'd you go? We've been looking for you. We're heading back to the dorms so meet us out front.

You closed your eyes. Did you want to go back to the dorms right now? You weren't sure. You opened your eyes just in time to see a car turning immediately in front of you. You grabbed your chest in shock, then continued walking.

Jimin: Babe? Where are you? We can't find you.

You sighed. You had no idea where you were. You looked around for a street sign, not that you'd be able to read it since it was in Korean.

You: I needed to get some fresh air so I went for a walk. But now I have a problem. I don't know where I am.

You pulled your lower lip between your teeth as you waited for his reply. You looked around anxiously, hoping against hope that there weren't any crazy people around.

Jimin: Wait, you left the building?!

You felt bad – now he sounded panicked. You didn't mean to worry him, you just needed to get away for a while. Now, you were in trouble. And he had to rescue you. You jumped at the sound of Jimin singing Serendipity. It was your ringtone for when he called.

"Baby, where are you? What do you see around you? We will find you." You tried to describe the buildings around, but the more you spoke, the more anxious you felt and you felt the tears begin to well up. "It's ok, we will find you. I'm certain I know where you are. Don't move, ok?" You agreed and sat down where you were on the sidewalk and waited.


*Jimin's POV*

You never should have let her leave the room. She didn't know the city. But you had no idea she would leave the building. You thought she was just going out into the hall or perhaps the bathroom. When she didn't return by the time practice was over, you knew something was up. And it was your fault. You shouldn't have had that talk with her during practice. You should have waited until you got back to the dorm where you could keep a closer eye on her. But that's all water under the bridge now. Now she needed you.

You told the guys she was lost in the city and everyone gathered around you as you talked to her on the phone. You knew where she was and thankfully it wasn't too far. You all got into the cars and headed in that direction.

Your heart broke when you saw her sitting cross legged on the sidewalk, head down, chin in her hands. She looked sad. And maybe a little anxious. As soon as the car stopped, you jumped out and ran to her. You couldn't get to her fast enough.

"Hey, I'm here. I found you." You knelt to her level and she lifted her eyes. You smiled at her and she gave a small smile back. Holding your hands out to her, she took them willingly and you pulled her up, hugging her tightly. "Let's go home."

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