Chapter 2

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Two hours prior to showtime, the doors finally opened. Everyone was lined up at the entrance closest to their seats. As you waited in line to be searched and scanned for weapons, an unfortunate necessity of the times, you and Tia talked with other fans, asking where they were from and who their favorite member, or bias, was. For Tia, it was J-Hope. For you, it was Jimin. Jimin was a lot like you, you thought. You obviously had never met him, but based on videos you had seen, it appeared he had similar character traits. He was a sensitive guy. Always the first one to check in on a member if they were hurt, mentally or physically. Always the one to comfort, to cry with, to laugh with. He also struggled with many of the same struggles you did – body image, never feeling good enough, frequently putting himself down. You could relate to him. In fact, when you had seen the video of his weight issues and then the music video of the song that talked about it, you burst into tears. You could feel his struggle. You wanted to hug him. (You were a hugger and knew he liked to hug, too.) You had even written to him over a month ago. You felt led to write to him. To tell him that he was enough, that he was a phenomenal performer, that he was put on the earth to do amazing things. You weren't sure if the letter got there – you just never know with stars, whether they actually get them or if their management does – but you needed to write it down anyway.

Now that you were in line to go in, you could feel your heartbeat get faster in anticipation. Once you and Tia were searched and scanned, you excitedly got your ticket out of your pocket and proceeded to find your seat. Walking through the doors to your section, you stopped dead in your tracks. "Woah," you breathed. The stage was so big. Massive. The main stage had what appeared to be a white table set up in the very center with columns on the side. From that, a runway lead to another large stage further out. In only a couple of hours, the guys would be on the stage, mere feet from you. You looked around the stadium at the people making their way to their seats. There would be thousands of fans there tonight.

"We're over there," Tia pointed to a section near the runway. You had been lucky to get not only floor seats, but they were 2nd row in your section. Pretty close to the stage – close enough to make serious eye contact and you couldn't be more excited. You made your way to your seats and settled in. The person sitting beside you was trying to connect her ARMY bomb to the required app.

"Need some help with that?" Tia asked your neighbor. The woman handed over the device and within minutes Tia had it synced and handed it back.

"Thank you so much!" The woman said, smiling.

"You're welcome! I'm Tia and this is Y/N." You turned to look at the woman and smiled.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Jenny. Isn't this so cool? I can't wait for it to start. Who's your bias?"

"J-Hope," Tia replied.

"Jimin," you answer.

"I'm in love with Namjoon," Jenny said, all but giggling.

For the next two hours, the three of you discussed what you loved most about BTS and why you chose your bias and about the concert. Suddenly, videos began playing on the large screens on the sides of the stage. The crowd began to scream in anticipation of the band to begin. Within minutes the fans were on their feet screaming and waving their ARMY bombs. Green, red, and white lights began to shine on the stage. The video ended and finally – finally – the first song began to play. When the guys got on the stage and began to sing and dance, the fans erupted in screams even louder than before, you and Tia gripping each other with excitement. You couldn't believe that you were actually here watching your favorite band perform. And yet here you were – and there they were.

Their dance moves were perfectly in sync, their vocals flawless. They knew how to work a crowd. Jimin was the biggest flirt on stage and he, as with all the members, played it up for the large cameras that projected their faces on the screens. They knew just when to smirk, when to smile, when you look a certain way to get the fans excited.

About half-way through the show, they finally began using the runway and outer stage. They were doing a song with particularly sensual hip thrusts and grinding. As they made their way down toward your section, you gripped Tia's arm in desperation. You wanted to catch Jimin's eye. Just once. Just so he knew you existed. Unfortunately, he went on the other side of the runway. J-Hope, however, came over to your side. Tia screamed his name and somehow he heard it. He looked in her direction and she called his name again. He smirked suggestively at her and thrusted his hips and winked. You thought she would faint from the interaction. You were thrilled for her, but secretly disappointed for yourself since Jimin was on the opposite side of the stage.

Several songs later, they came back down the runway and this time, Jimin was on your side. It didn't take long before Jimin was in front of you, kneeling down looking in the camera that was close by. You called his name and he immediately looked at you. He licked his lips, winked at you and then stood and did a body roll. You smiled back at him, pushed your long hair back from your face, almost blushing, and your lower lip was caught between your teeth. He smiled and winked again before heading back down the runway now that the song was finished. When they got back to the main stage, you see Jimin say something to Namjoon and point in your direction. Namjoon nodded briefly.

You couldn't believe what had just happened. Your bias looked at you and winked. You had thought about what that would feel like many times before and it never compared to reality. It was so much better. You couldn't breathe. You nearly cried. This night was absolutely perfect. Nothing could make it better.

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