Chapter 12

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Before you knew it, it was time for Jimin and the members to leave to go back to Korea. You had loved spending time with them all, getting to know them a little better. You enjoyed their bickering and banter. You enjoyed seeing what set them off and what made them laugh. They had said in many interviews that they were family and now you knew first-hand that this was true. They honestly treated each other as brothers.

As they made their way to the exit of the hotel to awaiting cars outside to take them to the airport, you squeezed the hand that was clasped with Jimin's. He seemed quiet to you. Since lunch, he seemed to have something on his mind and you couldn't figure out what it was. He smiled and tried to reassure you that he was fine, but you knew him well enough by now that he was faking it. The smile that normally reached his eyes no longer did. The laughter that was so easy to come forth seemed forced. Did you do something wrong? Say something wrong? Those questions plagued your mind.

When you all reached the cars, you stopped to say goodbye.

"It was great to see you again, Y/N," Hoseok said with a smile and gave you a big hug. You smiled and hugged him back.

"You, too, Hobi," you replied. One by one, they went up to you to say goodbye and then turned and got into one of the three black SUVs parked out front. When it came time to say goodbye to Jimin, you could feel the tears prick at your eyes. You sighed heavily and stood before him, taking both of his hands in yours. You smiled and he smiled back.

"Stay in touch?" You asked. He nodded, but stayed silent, looking down at your linked hands. He seemed like he wanted to say something but wasn't sure what or how. "Jimin, are you sure you're ok? I don't like leaving things this way." He looked up and saw the worried expression on your face. He passed a thumb over your cheek and smiled again before pulling you close into a hug.

"Yeah, I'm ok. Just do me a favor, ok?" He said, pulling away to look earnestly into your eyes.

"Anything." And you would do anything to make this right.

"Take care of yourself, ok? I mean really take care of yourself." You seem confused about why he would say that so seriously but smiled.

"Of course I will. I'll be fine." You tried to reassure him. Clearly he was worried about something and you didn't want him going back to Korea with worry on his mind. He smiled back, the same smile he'd been giving you since lunch. He rubbed your shoulders with his hands before leaning in close for a kiss. It started gentle and sweet, but quickly turned heated and passionate. His hands snaked down to your waist before pulling your body into direct contact with his. You could feel yourself lining up perfectly against his frame. Oh, if you only had one more day.

All too soon the kiss was over and he was saying goodbye and hopping into one of the SUVs. As soon as the door was closed, the cars drove away. And one of them held your heart.


Several weeks passed by and the big project that you had been working on was about to come to an end. You had been staying late and working at home on weekends to make the deadline and now that it was almost here you felt almost relieved, although total relief wouldn't come until it was completed.

It was the night before the deadline, and you were sitting on your bed in shorts and a t-shirt hovering over your laptop when you received a text from Jimin. He had been checking in on you more since returning to Korea and even some of the other members had been checking in as well, as he had given them your number. At first you were upset that he hadn't asked permission to do so, but honestly, you really did like them all as people, so the anger was short lived.

One of them at a minimum would check on you each day. Wondering how work was going, how the stress was, asking about workouts and sometimes about your meals. One day, you'd had three of the members text you about meals and that was when you lost it. You called up Jimin and angrily told him to stop having them ask about that and that you were fine. You didn't know why they would all take such an interest in that part of your life. Yes, you skipped meals whenever you could. Yes, when you did eat, there wasn't much on your plate. Yes, you were hungry all the time. No, you weren't going to stop. The weight loss was too important. Each day when you got on the scale, you found out how your day would go, as the number on that scale directly dictated your mood. Your workouts got more intense and more numerous. You'd do weights in the morning and run at night. It started off with you running a couple times a week after work, but it eventually morphed into almost every day.

Your food intake was also directly affected by how you felt that day. If you'd had a bad weigh in or you felt extra fat, you wouldn't eat much. If you felt thinner or you had had a good weigh in, you may allow yourself a little extra.

But they didn't know all that. They didn't know you well enough for you to let them into that part of you. So you wondered how they knew to ask. You hadn't told them. Hell, you hadn't even told Jimin. So when they ganged up on you that day, you angrily told Jimin to have them back off. And they did. For a week or so. But they had always made sure you were never asked about that by more than one person on any given day.

When you reached for your phone, you smiled at Jimin's text.

Jimin: Hey, how's it going?

You: Good. Finishing up this project. Tomorrow is the day! :)

Jimin: Good! I hope it goes well for you! :)

You: What are you guys up to today?

Jimin: We have an unplanned day off. Jungkook is sick and Yoongi hurt his ankle so dance practice was cancelled. Namjoon is in his studio. The others are off doing their own thing.

You: And you? What are you doing today?

Jimin: Talking to a beautiful girl half-way around the world. ;)

You blush at his comment. He couldn't see you, but blushed anyway. You pulled your lower lip between your teeth before replying.

You: Aww... that's sweet. :)

Jimin: So listen, I have a question to ask you, but I'm being pulled away. I'll chat with you later. I hope you sleep well. Think of me. ;)

You: Ok...should I be worried?

It almost sounded bad. Or maybe that was just your brain overthinking again.

Jimin: Nope :)

You: Ok, have a good day!

Jimin: Goodnight xo

You: Goodnight xo

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