Chapter 12

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Adrien, I'm going to be straight with you," Marinette said, putting a brave face on. "I've masturbated before."

There was complete silence. Then Marinette grabbed her pigtails and yanked them, groaning in despair. She was practicing in front of the mirror on how she would tell her boyfriend that she's played around before. But so far, no matter how many tries she's done, she just doesn't seem to think that it's that easy.

Tikki watched her with unamused eyes. She doesn't see the difficulty about telling someone that they've masturbated before. This is the same person they've had sex with several times before, anyway. And what's the worst that can happen? Don't guys find girls playing with themselves kind of hot anyway?

"No matter how many times I've said it, I feel worse than the last time! Adrien will be here any minute now." Marinette sighed, rubbing her temples.

"Marinette, you're overthinking this. Adrien won't hate you for what you've done. Why can't you just tell him the truth?"

"Tikki, what if he asks me questions like, 'how long have you been doing it for?' Or, 'Do you think about me or Chat when you do it?' Or, 'How do girls even masturbate?'"

"Okay, well if Adrien were to ask you those questions, just give him honest answers. How long have you been doing it for?"

Marinette stopped and thought about it for a moment. "Middle of sophomore year, I think."

Tikki nodded, "See? You haven't been doing it for long. Middle of sophomore year was several months ago! Okay, so who do you think about when you do it?"

Marinette shrugged. "It depends."

Tikki raised an eyebrow, "It depends?"

"When I feel like really, really horny, it's usually Chat. When I feel like fooling around a bit, it's Adrien. Sometimes the roles switch around though, usually based on my mood that night."

Tikki stared at the heroine for a second before she shook her head. "If Adrien were really that stupid and asked you how girls play with themselves, what would be your answer?"

Marinette blushed. "Oh, uh...well,, that question is way too weird for me to answer; I don't think he would ask that."

Tikki smiled, "See? I told you, nothing to worry about."

"Marinette!" Sabine called from downstairs, "Adrien's here!"

"Okay Mom!" Marinette shouted back. Just then, something black phased through the floor. Plagg held a piece of cheese in his tiny nubs and bit into it.

"Ladies, pleasure to see you, as always." Plagg bit into his cheese.

Tikki frowned, "Plagg, you saw us three days ago."

"Yeah, well, I miss the bakery. Lots of cheese, you know?"

Tikki rolled her eyes while Marinette giggled. The trap door opened, and Adrien's blonde head popped through, a smile on his face. "Knock, knock." He said as he brought himself into the room. Marinette discretely gulped. Moment of truth.

"Adrien, can I talk to you for a moment?" Marinette asked. Plagg and Tikki looked at each other and took that as their cue to leave. Adrien's smiled faltered for a moment, as he scratched his head.

"Uh, sure." Marinette led them to her chaise and they sat down. Marinette could tell that Adrien was studying her closely. She avoided his gaze though, only looking at the folded hands in her lap. Adrien's eyes widened.

"Oh my God, don't tell me: you're pregnant."

Marinette's head shot up and she looked at her boyfriend. "What?! No, I'm not pregnant!"

Miraculous ladybug: extremely nice.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang