Chapter 4

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Marinette and Adrien were just resting on his bed, their kwamis lying on their chests, when Marinette suddenly remembered something: the mysteriously purified akuma. It was strange, really, the fact that the akuma was purified before she had even seen it. What happened at that school?

"Hey, Tikki," Marinette broke the comfortable silence.

"Hmm?" The ladybug kwami sleepily replied.

"How did Charisse's akuma suddenly become purified? I thought I was the only one who could purify akumas."

Adrien suddenly shot up, which sent Plagg flying across the room. "That's right! It was purified by itself. Any particular reason why?"

Tikki floated up with an extremely nonchalant look on her face. "That's an interesting question."

" don't know the reason?" Marinette asked.

"Actually, I do. This rarely happens, but once every couple of centuries, before a human can be corrupted by an akuma, the akuma is suddenly purified and sent back to Hawk Moth. Most of the time it was because Ladybug saw the akuma before it could reach its victim.

"But about a millennium ago, an akuma went off to its next victim. But suddenly, it turned white. Past Ladybug witnessed it with her own eyes, and it was confusing at best. Soon, I realized that whatever the would-be victim was angry or upset about had a change of heart. They were suddenly fine again and there was no reason for the akuma to turn them evil.

"Basically, Charisse had a change of heart. She would have been akumatized if Chat Noir hadn't caught the akuma. But while it was in his pocket, Charisse must have found some way to forgive the person who had hurt her, thus the akuma was purified."

Marinette and Adrien stared at the kwami, not sure what to say except to nod at this information. It would make sense if Charisse had a change of heart. The girl is too sweet for her own good, after all. It was weird that they've never heard of this before, but like Tikki said, it was pretty rare for it to happen. Plagg flew back grumpily, and interjected.

"There was this one time, though, when an akuma hovered around someone all day, but never quite touched them. Actually, it did touch them, but never corrupted them."

Tikki, Marinette, and Adrien stared wide-eyed at the kwami. "What?! Seriously?!"

Plagg nodded. "Seriously. I saw this happen with my own eyes. Next thing I know, a few years later, the would-be victim became the next Chat Noir."

Tikki had a look of realization on her face, as she remembered something. "That's right! Sometimes if someone is so pure-hearted and the akuma just couldn't find a way to warp them, they were to be the next chosen."

Adrien held his head steady, suddenly starting to feel a bit dizzy. "So what you're saying is, if the akuma touched a victim, but didn't change them, that person was to become the next miraculous wielder?"

Plagg nodded. "Exactly." Seeing the suddenly scared face on Adrien, Plagg tried his best to reassure him. "Don't worry. The akuma didn't land on Charisse. You didn't give it a chance to. So there's a pretty large chance she won't become a chosen."

"How large is pretty large?" Marinette asked.

"Like, a 95% chance she won't become a chosen." Plagg folded his arms. "I don't know the future, so you can never be too sure."

Adrien seemed to relax a bit, much to Marinette's confusion. It wasn't that Adrien didn't like the idea of Charisse becoming a miraculous wielder. It was the fact that she could get into so much danger. Fighting bad guys is serious business, and if you're not careful, you can get severely injured, or worse.

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