Chapter 9

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Once again, Marinette woke up late after going through her several alarms to wake her up. It wasn't until Tikki, who was so fed up with all the various alarms, woke her up that she finally fell out of bed and rushed towards the bathroom. With only ten minutes until class started, Marinette vigorously brushed her teeth while taking a brisk shower, then threw an outfit, grabbed a couple of cookies and a muffin, and ran across the street to the school.

Alya, as well as the rest of the student body, was about to head in until she heard someone running up the steps and panting incredibly hard. The redhead placed her hand on her hip, watching the superhero stop on the steps to catch her breath with a muffin in her mouth.

"Mmph wop huff wey." Marinette explained with a mouth full of food. What she meant to say was, "I woke up late."

"Yeah, yeah, it's not the first time." Alya laughed, "Come on, let's go in."

The girl's entered class, the muffin still visible in Marinette's mouth. She removed the snack out of her pie-hole and threw the rest in the garbage, not feeling as hungry anymore. Mme. Bustier came into class with a big smile on her face, holding some papers in her hands.

"Good news class! With the Winter Ball coming up, the junior class has been selected for the preparation committee this year!"

The class erupted in a small chatter of excitement, while Mme. Bustier continued. "Each student will be put into groups of their choosing. The categories are: food, decoration, music, festivities (activities), and voting. If you participate, you get extra credit. You have a few minutes to discuss this amongst yourselves, while I prepare today's lesson."

Marinette bounced in her seat a little. She wanted to be part of the decoration committee; she had a thousand ideas floating through her brain. But, she also wanted to be part of the food committee, her parents being excellent bakers and all; she could provide the sweets and such. Maybe she could be part of both? She was class president again this year, after all, maybe trying both wouldn't be such a bad idea.

"Earth to Marinette, you're in la la land again." Alya chuckled, poking Marinette's cheek. Marinette snapped out of her stupor and blushed, feeling a bit sheepish.

"Uh, sorry," she apologized. "My mind got the best of me again."

"Thinking about joining one of the committees?" Adrien asked with a smirk.

Marinette nodded, "Yeah, I want to choose decoration, but I also want to choose food. Are we even allowed to choose both, I don't know!"

"Dude, you can do anything you want, just as long as you don't overwhelm yourself." Nino said.

"Yeah, you may be Ladybug," Alya whispered, "But you're still a teenager. It's weird, though, juggling heroics and school. How you guys do it is beyond me."

Marinette giggled. "Trust me; it was hard at first too. But we managed."

Adrien nodded, and the teacher called for everyone's attention to start the lesson.

Marinette and Adrien hung out at his house after school ended, babysitting Charisse as she did her homework quietly. Marinette's head rested on her boyfriend's shoulder, smiles as bright as day. Their fingers were intertwined with each other, the bond seeming stronger than before. The kwamis and Donut the dog slept quietly on the floor. Plagg snored quietly sprawled on his back on top of the dog. Tikki rested in the puppy's paws. Marinette sighed happily.

There was a knock on Adrien's bedroom door, so the kwamis woke up and went hiding. The door opened a crack revealing Amelie with an odd smile. "Hey, guys. Can I talk to you about something?"

Miraculous ladybug: extremely nice.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt