Chapter 13

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Chloe and Sabrina stood in line for a drink. The two friends were busy catching up on Chloe's evil plans for Marinette and Adrien, and wondering what to do next to make their lives a living hell. While Sabrina isn't usually the brains on Chloe's plans, she always had some part to play in it. What she wondered was why she hasn't been able to do anything now.

Sure, Chloe was mean to everyone who stood in her way, and she was occasionally a bitch to Sabrina, but the short ginger knew that she meant well and didn't intentionally mean to hurt her. Chloe has been a good friend to Sabrina for a long time, ever since they were little girls. Chloe would never do something that would cause Sabrina harm.

However, Chloe would never know how highly Sabrina thought of her; except for the times she fished for compliments to make boost her unreasonably high ego. Chloe was always so obsessed with the idea of her and Adrien together, she never asked Sabrina for her opinions on anything. And Sabrina knows she shouldn't be trying to chase after Adrien, but Chloe is so set on the two of them becoming soulmates she wouldn't be able to change her mind.

Sabrina would never know how Chloe thought of her. Chloe just doesn't seem like to be the type of person who would give others compliments and make them feel good about themselves. The only three people she would praise are her father, Adrien, and Ladybug. Although Chloe is oblivious to it, Sabrina could definitely tell that Ladybug found her annoying. She probably thought Chloe was another annoying fan, except she was rich and flaunted it every chance she got.

Sabrina hadn't even realized she tuned out their conversation to focus on her thoughts until she heard Chloe snap her fingers. "Sabrina, were you even listening to a word I said?"


Chloe rolled her eyes as the barista came with their drinks. The two sat at their table and started drinking their coffees. "Honestly, Sabrina, it feels like you don't even care about my feelings anymore."

You never care about my feelings. "Oh, I'm sorry, Clo. I just have a lot of things to think about right now. I didn't mean for you to feel unimportant." Sabrina apologized.

Chloe shook her head, "Whatever. Can we go back to talking about my brilliant plan?" Sabrina nodded, "Good. I think I got that Nathanael kid invested in my plan. I think he's a hundred percent onboard with destroying Marinette and Adrien's relationship. That way, we both get what we want."

What about what I want? "Why can't we just wait to see if they'll break up with each other first instead of doing it ourselves?"

Chloe, busy sucking on her straw, stared at Sabrina disgusted. She set down her drink with wide eyes. "OMG, it's like you don't even know me. That shit would take way too long to happen, and besides they are always so happy with each other, the chances of them breaking up are pretty small."

Like the chances of you breaking them up. "What exactly is your goal here?"

"My goal is to show Adrien just how nice I can be. People usually think beauty is only skin-deep, but I'm about to show them that it's what's on the inside that counts." Chloe beamed, "OMG, I just made that up right on the spot!"

"Um, Chloe, that's been around forever."

"Yeah, and I'm the queen of England."

Sabrina inhaled deeply, "Okay, but how is being nice going to show Adrien that he wants to be with you instead?"

Chloe stopped celebrating. "Crap, haven't thought that far." She sipped more of her drink as she pondered for a bit, "Well...Adrien obviously likes nice girls, and Marinette's a nice girl, so that's his type, right?"

"Chloe, a lot of guys like nice girls. That doesn't necessarily mean that it's their choice in girls. It's just one of their qualities. Besides, Alya is a nice girl and Adrien has no interest in her whatsoever."

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