Chapter 5

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"Kids, come down here, quick!" Amelie called from the base of the steps.

Adrien's eyes fluttered open as he looked for his phone to look at the time. He hissed as the light hit his face, but as his eyes adjusted he realized it was nine in the morning. He drifted off once more but his mother's constant yelling kept him up. He groaned, throwing his feet over the bed and yawned, stretching like a cat. Plagg grumbled something about hating mornings and continued to sleep.

Adrien left his room and rubbed his eyes, walking to Charisse's room because he knew she probably was still sleeping through all the noise. Unlike his sister, Adrien is used to waking up to nothing but quietness. So to be called downstairs with a voice as loud as his mother's, it's hard to not wake up.

Adrien banged the door, telling Charisse to wake up. He heard a pillow -or was it a toy?- hit the door as well as a muffled "I don't wanna." Adrien sighed and opened the door, a stuffed animal being pushed to the side as it revealed Charisse with her back to the door.

"Charisse, Mom is calling. She wants us downstairs."

"I don't wanna." The blonde muttered as she brought her pillow to her head. Who knew children could be this difficult?

Adrien sighed once more and threw the covers off his sister. Before she could protest, he lifted her up effortlessly and walked out the room, heading towards the steps.

He couldn't really see the stairs, but living in a house this big and boring gave Adrien plenty of time to memorize how many steps there were. As he reached the bottom of the stairs, his mother looking on with an amused expression on her face, Adrien put Charisse on her feet. Charisse folded her arms with a pout, upset she was woken on a Saturday. Her mother rolled her green eyes, but smiled nonetheless.

"I know you two are not really happy about waking up so early in the morning, but I brought you something I think you'd might like."

It was at this point that Gabriel came downstairs himself, rubbing his sleepy eyes. "What's all this commotion about?"

Amelie grinned. "You'll see." She turned to the direction of the living room and whistled using her fingers. On cue, a Golden retriever puppy came running in to the foyer, wagging its tail happily as it stopped next to Amelie. Charisse practically screamed in delight, killing a few eardrums as she scurried to the dog and immediately holding it like crazy.

"A puppy!" She cried out, petting the puppy. "It's so cute!"

Adrien's jaw dropped. His mother brought home such a cute animal. But knowing that his father probably didn't even approve of this scared him. If he demanded the animal be taken back to a shelter, Charisse would probably bawl her eyes out and never forgive him. Adrien would probably be angry to. After all, he's never had a pet, the only companion he would even consider a pet is Plagg. The exception is that Plagg didn't wag his tail when he was happy.

Adrien smiled as he bent down to pet the dog behind the ear, a happy whimper escaping the puppy. Its golden fur was so soft and fluffy; it was like petting a cloud. Gabriel stood and watched as Adrien was afraid of the thoughts brewing in the old man's head. Amelie giggled at the dog licking Adrien's face, the model forgetting his feelings as he closed his eyes and let the dog sloppily lick his face.

"It's a girl," Amelie said, folding her arms. "What would you like to name her?"

"Ooh! Ooh! I know! How about 'Donut'?" Charisse suggested. Adrien and Amelie and even Gabriel gave her a questionable look.

"Why Donut?" Adrien asked at the peculiar name.

"Because she smells like donuts! And donuts are delicious!" 'Donut' licked Charisse's face happily, as if she was in agreement with the name. "See? She likes it!"

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