Chapter 7

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Adrien thought about what Marinette had said days ago, about him feeling lonely despite the reappearance of his mother. Maybe he was happy she was home, but he's become more distant than ever because of the disappearance. He used to tell his mother everything, even though there wasn't much to discuss since he was homeschooled. He wanted that close relationship with her again.

He stared at the ceiling above him which only stared back with nothing but sympathy for the boy. Plagg snoozed next to him, his ear twitching every now and again. The sun shone through his many windows, alarming everyone to wake up today. Realizing he couldn't go back to sleep as it was still early morning, the model rolled out of bed and got into the bathroom to freshen up.

Half an hour later, Adrien retreated from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his hair. Drying it and then combing his blond locks, Adrien threw on an outfit and headed downstairs. He walked into the dining room, and much to his surprise, his mother was eating breakfast while reading a fashion magazine. She didn't seem to notice him, so Adrien cleared his throat to get her attention.

Amelie looked up, mouth full of food with wide green eyes. She swallowed her meal and smiled at her son, who continuously stared at her.

"Good morning, Adrien. Why are you up so early?"

Adrien shifted his feet uncomfortably which his mother didn't seem to notice. "I couldn't sleep."

His mother nodded in understanding. "Rough week at school, I presume?"

Adrien knew that this isn't the reason for his restless night, but he just nodded to suffice his mother's curiosity. As if on cue, a servant came by with a plate of food just for Adrien. He thanked them and sat at the table, eating silently while his mother continued to eat her breakfast and read her magazine.

It wasn't always this awkward. Adrien remembers the days where they would do nothing but talk for hours at the table over nothing important, never finishing their food since they were too wrapped up in their conversations. He remembered the one time he put two triangular slices of pizza over his head and call himself a cat. His mother would laugh each time, while his father would amusingly shake his head at such foolishness with a small smile on his face. Those were the good old days.

He wondered if it would ever be the same again.

Now everything was different. His mother came back after being MIA for five years and he had a little sister now. He was no longer a restricted homeschool child, but a public high school student and Chat Noir, hero of Paris. He's changed, his mother has changed, and everything has changed.

They say change is sometimes a good thing. But is it ever?

There are always those major setbacks when it comes to a change. Something could go wrong, and no one would enjoy it. Some even suffer the consequences, no matter how good a change. Like, you could be poor one day, rich the next, but never satisfied. Adrien wondered if his bad luck had something to do with this change, or maybe Marinette's good luck.

Adrien was woken from his stupor when he saw his mother getting ready to leave the table, her magazine still in her hands. Without thinking, Adrien unnecessarily shouted, "Mother!"

Amelie jumped a little as her emerald eyes met his. Adrien's mouth opened and closed like a fish taking in oxygen as he tried to think of something to say. "W-would you like to go out with me?"

Amelie blinked before a low chuckle left her lips, the sound sounding familiar to Adrien's ears. "Adrien, don't you think I'm a little old to go out with you?"

Adrien flushed a deep red as he rubbed behind his head sheepishly. "N-not like that. I mean, I would like it if we could spend some time with each other. You know, catch up on everything we've missed."

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