Chapter 10

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Hey, everybody! Listen up!" Claudia cried out. The entire schoolyard stared at the girl, as she stood on a plastic tree stump. Her minions stood on the ground, arms folded as they glared everyone into submission. Once everyone quieted down, Claudia flipped her short red hair and smiled. "My birthday is next week, and my daddy is throwing a party! Everyone can come, as long as you don't look better than me."

She handed her minions flyers with the information about the party on it, and they passed them out. Charisse received one and glared at it. All the information was there, with a background picture of Claudia with a tiara and a pretty dress on from apparently her last birthday party. Why would Claudia invite everyone to her party? Didn't she hate, like, the majority of the class?

Alice, Alya's sister, jumped up and down in joy. "A party! I've never been invited to a party before! This is so cool!"

Manon agreed, "Yeah! I heard Claudia's parties are awesome! We should totally go!"

Charisse shook her head. "No way am I going to Claudia's party." Her three friends stared at her with disappointed looks on their faces. "I don't get why Claudia would invite me if she doesn't even like me. I think I wanna stay home instead."

Avery shook his head. "Come on, Charisse, it will be fun!"

"Easy for you to say, she likes you." Manon rolled her eyes.

Avery stuck his tongue out at the pigtailed girl and returned his attention back to Charisse. "If you don't go, then I won't go either. Come on, please Charisse? Pretty please with sugar and sprinkles and whipped cream and a cherry on top?" He jutted out his bottom lip and whimpered, using Manon's secret technique: the puppy-dog pout.

"Pfft, amateur," Manon crossed her arms, although there was a small blush evident on her cheeks, "...whatever that means again."

Charisse looked at the flyer, "I don't know, Avery..."

He took her hands in his, and Charisse felt how warm and soft they were compared to her small cold ones. Her face felt hot as she looked into those golden orbs of his. "For me, Charisse. Please?"

She was rendered speechless. Charisse knew she couldn't say no to that face, that cute, cute face of his. All she could do was make a small noise of agreement and nod her head. Avery's grin reached his ear while Alice and Manon high-fived each other. Charisse smiled as well.

But deep down she knew she was going to regret it.

Mme. Bustier calmed the class down as she started giving out packets to each of the students. "I want all of you to do a foreign research project on American history with a partner that I will be choosing for you." The students groaned in response, as Bustier rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, complain all you want, but don't forget that I'm the teacher here. Okay; Alya and Max, Ivan and Sabrina, Nino and Juleka, Rose and Kim, Chloe and Adrien, Marinette and Nathanael, and Mylene and Alix. Get with your partners. This will be due two weeks from now."

Marinette frowned at her partner choice. Sure, Nathanael was a sweet boy and very quiet, but she knew that his crush on her only grew after the Evillustrator incident. While he chose not to talk to her sometimes, she always caught him staring at her every now and then. Hopefully Adrien hasn't noticed.

Before she made her way to her partner, she saw the look on Adrien's face as he saw Chloe approaching. Since his hand rested on Marinette's desk, she gave it a small pat. Adrien, startled, looked up at his girlfriend, who only gave him a reassuring smile. Adrien smiled back, and Marinette pulled away, making her way up to Nathanael's desk. He was busy doodling, as usual.

Marinette sat next to him, and he didn't even seem to acknowledge her presence. Kim passed out the laptops, and put one in front of Nathanael, which made the red-head jump with a fright and drop his pencil. That's when he saw Marinette sitting next to him, her bright blue orbs staring right at him. His face turned as red as a...well, I think you know that part.

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