Chapter 8

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"Adrien, you're C-Chat Noir?!"

Adrien never thought this day would come any sooner. He never thought that he would accidentally reveal himself in front of his sister of all people. He never thought she would be in his room this late at night.

He never thought of a lot of things.

But this had to be one of the scariest moments of his life, one that would be engraved into his memory for as long as he shall live. It didn't even help that Plagg didn't even bother to float away, his illuminous eyes staring straight at the little girl in front of him. There was really no point in hiding from her now, as her eyes drifted from her brother to the black kwami. He was hard to make out, but he was there.

Adrien never thought he would be so afraid of his sister's reaction. He really hoped that she would scream for joy, just like Alya and Nino. Seeing that she practically idolized him as a superhero, it would only make sense right.

But Adrien was wrong. Charisse's dark blue eyes were filled to the brim with tears, and her shocked expression turned into a cringe. Adrien's eyes widened as he heard small gasps for air, his baby sister trying so hard not to cry. But then the tears travelled down her cheek, to the tip of her chin, then onto the floor.

Charisse dropped the toy she held onto, and bolted out the door, running towards her bedroom. Adrien called out to her, ready to run after her when he stepped on the toy. Adrien hesitantly looked down, seeing that he had stepped on a Chat Noir plush doll. He slowly picked it up, and wiped off the dirt that he imprinted with his shoes. He sighed sadly and shook his head. Plagg floated towards Adrien, a concerned look on his face.

Adrien didn't say anything as he left his bedroom and went straight to Charisse's room. He raised his fist to knock on her door, but paused as he heard the soft sobs coming from his baby sister. Charisse, one of the sweetest girls he's ever met, was crying. Not because her toy broke, or someone stepped on her foot, or even that Claudia brat bothering her.

She was crying because she found out something she wasn't supposed to. Something about her own flesh and blood.

Adrien didn't know whether to blame his luck or himself.

Adrien reluctantly knocked on her door, and the sobs turned into a gasp. He heard some shuffling around, and the voice came closer to the door, but not too close. "W-who's there?"

The model heard how broken she sounded, and it pained him that he was the one who did that. But he couldn't just stand there and say nothing. Adrien inwardly screamed, but he exhaled a long breath. "Charisse, it's me."

A pause.

Adrien was ready to turn around and leave, knowing well that he deserved this punishment. He didn't fully comprehend if this was his fault, but he was willing to suffer the consequences. Oh god, what would his parents think, especially his mother? Adrien was already halfway down the hallway when he heard a door creak open. He froze but turned his head over his shoulder. Charisse stood in her doorway, eyes somewhat red with tears streaming down her cheeks in her cute pajamas.

Adrien fully turned around and slowly walked towards Charisse, careful about how far he should distance himself from the small blonde. "Charisse," he started as he crouched down, "I am so, so sorry I didn't tell you I was Chat Noir. I know how much you love him, but I couldn't say anything because if I did then you and mother and father would be in great danger. And I don't want that. I don't want to lose you.

"I know you feel angry and upset, but I am willing to take any punishment that you will give me. You can even tell the entire world who I am, if it makes you happy."

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