Reason for why the story ends here 'for now!!'

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Author's Note
Hey guys.

I know you all probably hate me for never updating the story on time or never updating period, and that I've used the same excuse several times before but hear me out.

I started my senior year of highschool on Thursday. Exciting right? Everyone says how senior year is supposed to be your chill year. But tbh it really isn't, at least for me.

i'm only 16, and I already feel so stressed out and overwhelmed by the amount of work I'm getting. Over the summer I had three books to read for AP English and I had to write notes and answer questions on them and I literally procrastinated with a majority of that work last week because I was busy volunteering at a hospital and when I got home I didn't feel like doing anything.

I also had over 200 math questions to answer for AP Calc. I already hate this class. I literally just finished writing an essay on what calculus is. Why the fuck do I have to write an essay for a MATH CLASS? And on top of that, he assigned over 100 math questions for homework which I didn't know was homework because I had a (shitty) PEP rally during his class and I had to hear from a friend that it was homework. Fuck that.

I did poorly on my SATs in March, so I have to take it again next month and my mom just told me that she was taking away my electronics all weekend long just for me to study. Honestly that kind of gave me anxiety. Dumb right? But I honestly can't live without this phone. My laptop and tablet, maybe. But not my phone.

Not only that, but I'm supposed to be getting my probationary license next month since I'll be turning 17 and I'm so scared to drive. Maybe it's because my parents yell and it stresses me out, but I can hardly turn the damn thing, not to mention I haven't parked a car since I was with my driving instructor, oh idk, seven months ago.

I just felt like I owed u guys an explanation on my disappearance. I don't think I'll be updating for a while, so this is some sort of temporary hiatus. Not only am I stressed, but I have a serious case of writer's block even tho the story has a few chapters left. Not only that, but I have other story ideas for a different fandom and I've kinda been writing it out but I haven't published anything yet because I need to focus on all these other things first (why do authors get story ideas while they're still writing another story?).

im sorry about this guys, but I can't update anything at the moment so you'll have to wait patiently until I'm less stressed and a lot more focused on finishing this story. ;-;

-Miraculous Fanatic

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