Chapter 39

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Harry was super excited to see what Snape's animagus is, plus  getting the school working better than ever finding Dudley's Guinevere. He asked "Dudley, have you idea who your Guinevere could be?" Dudley replied "Nope no idea but I do have an idea. How about all our portrait meet for the first time?" Snape liked that idea he said "Great why don't we have all the portrait's in the astronomy tower." Harry and Dudley agreed and everyone met in the astronomy tower. They put each portrait in a corner, Merlin was first to speak he said "Great to see you Morgana and Arthur." Arthur said "Wow Merlin has it been that long." Morgana said "Let's bye gone's be bye gone's, I am sorry how I treated you both." Arthur and Merlin said "That's ok, we forgive you." Arthur asked "Now where is Guinevere then it would be a great reunion?" Merlin said "I have an idea she might be in Hufflepuff." Snape and Dudley "Couldn't believe there's ears they asked "Merlin are you positive?" Merlin nodded. 

Dudley, Snape and Harry went to the great hall and looked at all the table. Luna came up to the them and asked "Harry, why does your god cousin have a crown on his head?" Snape replied "You can see that." Luna said "Of course, I can always see weird things." Dudley said "Luna can you look at Hufflepuff's table and see if anyone is wearing something on their head." Luna looked at the table and was astonished to see that Hufflepuff had the prettiest tiara on her head. She looked back at Dudley and said "Yeah I do I will bring her over." Luna went over to Hufflepuff's table and said to her friend Susan Bones if she could follow her. 

Susan was suspicious but decided to go with Luna. She saw where she was going and her heart skipped a beat the new boy from Ravenclaw and her other friends where standing there. She said "Hey everyone what can I do for you?" Dudley couldn't believe his eyes that Hufflepuff wanted to meet on his first day. When he arrived to Hogwarts he said "Hi Susan I am Dudley I know this might sound crazy but I think you are related to Guinevere." Susan asked "How did you know that? My friend Justin and Hannah don't believe I was talking to Guinevere in the common room the other night." Harry and Snape were shocked Harry replied "Well you see Dudley just found out he's related to Arthur and was looking for someone who is related to Guinevere." Susan said "I knew there was something special happening when Dudley arrived in the hallway when he was getting sorted." Snape asked "Could you bring the portrait to the astronomy tower?" Susan replied "Certainly I will do that right away."

An hour later Susan put the portrait in the last corner. The school started to shake and somethin amazing happened without Susan,Dudley, Snape and Harry saying the enchanting word to turn them into their animagus. Harry was his Owl, Dudley was a Raven, Snape was a Night Snake and Susan was a Badger. Harry looked at the snake he spoke  to him and said "Hey sev you are a snake." Snape looked at himself and returned back to normal and so did Harry. The Raven said "Susan you are a badger." The badger looked at herself and returned back to normal and so did Dudley. 

Harry couldn't believe his eyes that everyone has a new appearance their cloaks disappeared and they were wearing clothes of the past Snape was still wearing his black coat but had a green trousers on, Dudley was wearing all things blue with a crown on his head, Susan was wearing all things yellow and a tiara on her head and Harry looked at himself he was wearing all thing's red and his hear was longer and he was holding a staff. Snape couldn't understand why they were wearing old clothes. Guinevere portrait said "It seems the castle is fixed and decided to give you clothes that we wore in the past." Then suddenly Dumbledore appeared and the sorting hat said "The school lots like Camelot there's even a massive round table in the middle of the hall where students site together." Harry replied "Yeah that would be our doing we sort of reunited the portraits and instantly turned into our animagus." Dumbledore said "Amazing great work it will take me a while to get used to the school." Snape asked "What do you think of our new appearance?" The sorting hat said "You look the same as usual you haven't changed one bit." Snape couldn't understand it. Arthur said "It's because their not related you can only see your new appearance and the school when you walk around only you four will get the experience."

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