Chapter 22

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A/N this chapter has a few changes, it should be okay now.
Harry had to think for a moment then his Creature asked "You do realise a Jackal can be any dog it wants to be and a sphinx can do the same?" Harry replied "No I didn't realise, thanks for the help." Harry changed part of his body into a black Labrador 'woof' and said "This is how I can stay underwater." Albus was shocked to see Harry's Creature. He thought it was a more powerful Creature than a Labrador. He asked "Mr Labrador, can you be any dog?" The Labrador said "Yes as long as they have black in their fur." Dumbledore thought "Okay so he's just multiple different dogs, that's a interesting Creature never seen that kind of Creature in my life time, very interesting." Fudge said "Well done Harry you are third." Harry changed back to his normal self and asked "What do you think of my Creature?" Dumbledore said "He's interesting and quite shy but I didn't realise a dog and a cat could get along very well." Harry replied "Well back in the past cats and dogs were supposed to get along." Flickwick interrupted and said "Yes in ancient Egypt  dogs and cats get along, it's just it's never happened in the present." Snape said "I was shocked at first knowing I am a sphinx but have knowledge of all different cats and can change into any cat." Dumbledore asked "Does that mean Harry your Creature has a main Creature?" Harry nodded and replied "Yeah and he's a lot more shy it's why he chooses different dogs it's only if my Creature trust a person truly." Dumbledore finally understood. He wasn't happy that Harry's Creature didn't trust him but he thought "In time he will reveal himself."
Everyone left the stage and had dinner and went to bed. Harry went to library and studied and read something interesting That a Jackal would only feel comfortable around people that he trusted. He would do anything to keep his human and mate safe and turns into a dog when there's someone they don't trust. Harry thought "I wonder if I could test it on different people so I know who to trust and who not to trust." The jackal loved that idea and asked "Great idea Harry but you know we don't trust Dumbledore or Fudge or Mooney. Do you trust Mcgonagal?"  Harry had to think and decided to dream on it. He went to bed and fell fast asleep. He didn't realise his powers were so powerful that he ended sleeping in Snape's bed.
In the morning Harry was expecting a bright sun but their was nothing. He thought "that's weird, where's the sunshine." Snape woke and felt wriggling under the covers and looked and saw Harry and asked "I don't remember going to bed with you last night?" Harry replied "Oh my gosh I am not in my room." his potion Professor was shocked "Yeah something must have happened last night." Harry looked around and gulped "Oh I am so sorry about this I swear I went to my own bed last night." Snape said "It's okay, I guess your disapparating is better than most students." Harry laughed "I guess so, I need to go to my room." Before Harry could say room he already disappeared and landed on his bed.

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