Chapter 6

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The feast ended and everyone headed to bed. Dumbledore headed to his office and started to think "Harry can smell that his juice tasted funny and that's not good. He has also got his Creature Inheritance. I wonder what he got, that tail looks like some kind of dog." Dumbledore was pacing around his office trying figure out what Harry's new creature is. He couldn't figure it out. He asked Severus and Minerva to come to his office, they arrived at the same time. They said "You wanted to see us headmaster." Dumbledore said "ah Minerva, Severus glad you could make it, what do you think of the change in Harry Potter this year?" Minerva said "Well it seems that the Dursley have been treating him better." Severus said "Not that much change except his eyes which shocked me the most. He looks nothing like Lilly." The three professors talked about Harry.
Somewhere in the Gryffindor room Harry couldn't sleep. He could hear people talking about him. He woke up and decided to investigate. Ron asked "Where are you going?" Harry replied "A walk I can't sleep."
Harry got on his night coat and went for a walk. He could sense the castle and wanted to know who was talking about him. He noticed on his map Snape and McGonagall were in Dumbledore's office. He thought "I was right, people were talking about me." He walked to the Astronomy Tower and sat on a seat and decided to think then. He heard a new voice.

He tapped on the wall where the voice was coming from. Then out of nowhere a new portrait appeared, it was Merlin. Harry said "Hey Great Grandfather, How are you?" Merlin was surprised to see a student. He replied "So you are my Great Grandson, wonderful to meet you, I guess why you are up because you can't sleep." Harry replied "Yeah three people keep talking about me and I can't sleep, I don't want to listen because that would be rude." Merlin said "Aah your understanding of the castle and your new ears are extra sensitive and that means you need to find your other half to calm your powers or your magic might get out of control." Harry said "I don't know where to look for my soulmate." Merlin asked"Do you want me to teach to block out some of the conversation so you can sleep?" Harry replied "Yeah please." Merlin taught him a certain spell and Harry slept in Astronomy Tower that night.

In the morning while everyone was eating breakfast Dumbledore had an announcement to make that the whole school is representing them in a world torment and two extra schools will be joining them. The schools were called Beauxbaton academy of magic and Durmstrang Institute. Students in all the schools put there names in the hat. Only three were allowed to compete. Harry couldn't join because it was for students over 17, the Weasley brothers were disappointed and tried to make an older potion so they could compete but it back fired. On the next day the cup deiced who the three competitors were. The first one was Beauxbatons Champion - Fleur Delacour. The second was Durmstrang Champion - Viktor Krum. The third and final was Hogwarts Champion - Cedric Diggory (Hufflepuff). Unaware of anything, the new defense teacher Moody tried sneakily to put Harry Potters name in the cup but the name fired back at Moody. He was not happy one bit.

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