Chapter 12

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Out of nowhere Merlin arrived. He said "I see you got someone to trust you." Harry smiled "Yeah that's right." Hermione was shocked to see this new ghost. She was giddy like a school girl and said "Pleasure to meet you Sir Merlin." Merlin was taken aback how sweetly she sounded. He replied "Wonderful to meet you too young witch." Hermione replied "Please call me Hermione, I have a question. Why does Dumbledore think Harry might be the future Headmaster?" Merlin laughed "Well as a Jackal it's natural to think he's in charge, but in fairness it's Harry's future soulmate who's going to be Headmaster." Harry was gobsmacked and asked  "You mean my soulmate is older than me?" Merlin went guilty "Yeah unfortunately you two weren't born in the same year." Hermione narrowed down her search. She asked "Is it an older student or a Professor?" Merlin said "I have no clue, if it's a Professor then it's not forbidden." 

Hermione said "In the rule book it says otherwise, what makes you think Dumbledore will allow this?" Merlin said "Once Harry reveals himself he has no choice in the matter. The school will automatically put a room for them both to share." Harry said "I got a really bad feeling that it's Snape, if it is him, I personally won't get along." Merlin laughed as well as Hermione. 

A while later Hermione said "If it is Snape, I probably won't believe my eyes." Then Harry's Jackal said to him "If it is the Potion Teacher, I would fine it funny because he hates McGonagall's cat form."  Harry laughed for a long time. Merlin asked "What's so funny?" Harry recovered "Well, my Jackal said he would laugh if it's Snape because he said to me that Snape hates McGonagall's cat form." Then Merlin joined in with the laughing. Hermione asked "What's going on ? So what if Snape hates McGonagall's Animagus." Merlin explained  "Young lass you don't understand Harry's  soulmate Creature is a sphinx that's a cat if it was Snape he would also be a cat." Hermione tried to understand and asked "You mean to say that Harry's soulmate doesn't know he also has a Creature?" Merlin and Harry nodded at the same time. Then Hermione understood the joke and laughed as well. 

They both headed back to bed in a fit of giggle. Harry dreamed of who his soulmate was and his mind kept going back to Snape. He wished his mother James were alive so he could ask if he would be okay him dating his Potions Professor. In the morning everyone headed to breakfast.

Harry looked at the top of the table and glanced at Snape. Hermione could tell that the conversation last night really sank in. She whispered "After the holidays I dare you to ask him out." Harry looked at her and said "No I am going to embarrass myself." Dumbledore made an announcement "After the holidays there is a dance, then a few days after the next task should begin. I hope our Champions have worked out the next clue, that is all."  

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