Chapter 7

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A/N( I borrowed some information about the spells in this chapter)

The three champions had an interview. In Dumbledore's office Minister Fudge said "We have four Dragons on there way, we need an extra champion." Igor said "That's outrageous the tournament has always been three." Fudge said "I will allow a random student to do the contest." Moody asked"Can I suggest Potter? I think he can do well." Albus was surprised "Yeah it's not a bad idea." Minerva said "Well Harry is outstanding in getting out of trouble. I will go and get him." McGonagall did exactly that she fetch Harry out of his bed and took to Dumbledore office. Harry said "Good Evening everyone, why am I out of bed?" Minister Fudge said "Unfortunately by my error for the first task we have an extra dragon, I have decided to put you into the contest." Harry couldn't believe his ears he said "Sure I will give it a go, can I please go back to bed?" Everybody allowed that request from Harry, when he left Moody asked "I could give him advice?" Dumbledore said "That's a great idea! After class tomorrow." Harry went back to his dorm and his friend Ron asked "What did McGonagall want?" Harry replied "She took me to the headmaster office and lots of people were there and told me they have a spare dragon and was wondering if I could be their fourth champion which is crazy." Ron was so happy and proud he said "I wondered why my big bro was here earlier." Harry went to sleep dreaming of how he could pull this off.

In the morning was Moody's class, he was the new Defense of the Dark Arts teacher, he said "Welcome class I am Auror Moody and I am going to teach you about the three unforgivable curses." Hermione said "We are only fourth year students and it's illegal to teach those spells." Moody replied "Well I am the teacher and the auror, I will show and tell you what each curse does. Then Moody explained about what each spell does." Hermione was okay with that request. He started with the Cruciatus Curse (incantation: Crucio, Latin for "I torture") causes the victim intense pain and that is what it is used for, but does not physically harm the victim. The strength of the curse is determined by the person who casts it. The curse can torture a person to the point that they are exhausted to death, or in a more sadistic case, it causes permanent amnesia and insanity. He did this on a spider. The class was shocked by how the spider wanted to run away. The second curse was the Imperius Curse (incantation: Imperio, faux Latin for "I command", cf.  and ) and is used to force the victim to do things they would normally be unwilling or unable to do. This made the spider go into a hot bath and feel no pain.

The final curse he said was The Killing Curse (incantation: Avada Kedavra) manifests as a jet of green light that causes immediate, painless death. It cannot be blocked by any shield charm. Only person to survive is Harry Potter and he is sitting in this room. Class dismissed."

Hermione wasn't pleased at all about the class, she was outraged about the idea showing those spells to innocent fourth years. When class ended she stormed outside Moody said "Potter please stay after class."

Harry Potter and the Inheritance of  Money and CreatureOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz