Chapter 20

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Dumbledore replied "Well I have a problem, a Student of mine and a Staff member want to date and it's against the school rules." Merlin said "Well it's in a book, it's not magic part of the castle if it part of the castle then the rule would stand, but my personal opinion this rule has to go." Dumbldore asked "What do you mean it has to go?" Merlin thought for a moment and asked "The rule is silly, a student can't date Staff member because of the age gap is this correct?" Dumbledore nodded "Yes it's the age gap the rule was placed " Merlin replied "Okay now I understand about the rule, but what if a Seventh grader student and they dated a First year,  would that be a part of the rule because that's still an age gap, my question is why can't Student and Staff do the same?" Dumbledore was flummoxed he never even considered that before and asked "You mean to say if a Seventh Grader became a teacher at the end term and he was currently dating a student younger than him the rules wouldn't apply?" Merlin said "That's the perfect scenario I was thinking." Dumbledore replied "Damn, okay I say the rule needs improved I will allow this date to happen." Harry smiled and so did Snape they both looked at each other Harry said "See you in potions soon." Snape said "Definitely see you there."

In the afternoon Harry had potions, his task was to make a perfect dreamless sleep potion. Harry followed the instructions perfectly but instead of marking dreamless he accidentally made a wide-awake potion instead. Snape said "Potter, you do realise you made a wide-awake potion instead of the dreamless sleep potion. You need to stay after class and redo the right potion." Harry didn't release that he made a mistake and he did stay after class while making the right potion. Snape asked "I cannot believe we got away with going on a date together, how did you pull that off?" Harry blushed ever so slightly, "Well I chatted to his portrait last night and discussed things." Snape couldn't understand and asked "Harry, no one seen Merlin's portrait  in years the only reason Dumbledore could summon him was because he's the headmaster and has power over the castle. How were you able to talk to his portrait?"  Harry realised what Snape was saying, he asked his Creature if it's a good idea and Creature was reluctant at first but agreed and then Harry said "Well the thing is because I am a Jackals the only Jackal to exist is Merlin's Jackal, which means I am Merlin's whatever Great Grandson."  Snape couldn't believe what Harry was saying and said "Damn no wonder Dumbledore is worried about you, if he found out I don't know what would happen."  Harry replied "Yeah, now you understand why I was scared to show anyone my Creature." Harry finished his potion and went back to his dormitory.

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