Chapter 9

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It was the day of the first challenge, all the challengers were inside a tent. Minster Fudge appeared and said "In this bag are four miniatures of the dragons you four will be challenging." Cedric Diggory went first, he got Swedish Short Snout. Fleur got the Common Welsh Green, Victor Krum got Chinese Fireball and Harry got unlucky with the Hungarian Horntail

Cedric went up first. He used a spell to change a rock into a dog to distract the dragon. He was partially successful; the dragon took the bait, and Cedric went for the Golden Egg. Halfway through, the dragon turned its attention back to Cedric, and burned his face. Cedric retrieved the egg, however, and passed the task.

Then it came to the second person and Fleur was facing the dragon. The dragon was a Common Welsh Green. She enchanted the dragon too, but while retrieving the golden egg, the dragon snored and let out a jet of flame that set her skirt alight. She extinguished the flames and retrieved her egg. 

Victor was third to go, he had a Chinese Fireball. He used a curse  to blind the dragon and retrieve his egg. However, he got docked points when the dragon stumbled around and smashed half of the real eggs. 

Harry was last. He went to the stadium and bowed. He looked at the dragon and quietly said "Enchanted Creature". He showed his face to the dragon and the dragon stopped in his tracks. He shouted "WHAT DO YOU WANT JACKAL?" Harry calmly replied " You got an egg that doesn't belong to you. Can I have it?" The dragon looked at the golden egg and said "I wonder why I have this egg, the last three  dragons were female that's why they were over protective, I am male of course young one you can have this golden egg." Harry walked toward the egg and picked it up and headed back to the tent. 

Minister Fudge was not happy in the slightest, he ran towards Harry and asked "How did you manage to calm the dragon?" Harry replied "I was studying late and taught myself dragonese, I didn't fully understood what the dragon said but I understood he said he was male and didn't care about the egg, the others were female that's why they weren't happy when the other students went into the field." Fudge said "You have read the three letters." Harry replied "Yeah, plus I got my Creature Inheritance, which made the dragons a little bit easier." Then Albus arrived. He asked Fudge "What did Harry do?" Fudge explained everything "Don't worry Albus, Harry just did what his Creature would do, which is perfectly natural." Albus and Moody were shocked. Moody asked Harry "What about your broom?" Harry replied "I wanted to but my Creature found a better solution." Moody was displeased, he said"Okay Potter you are on your own." Then Moody stormed off.

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