Chapter 35

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Harry was still in shock he couldn't understand If Snape wasn't related to Arthur then who could it be. Then he had an idea Harry asked "Sev, do you think the person related to Arthur is alive or is he dead?" Severus replied "If you thinking that it is James that's a high possibility or Lily might be possible." Dudley asked "Why you being so chummy aren't you not supposed to get along?" Harry realised his god cousins didn't know about him and Snape.  Harry said "Well when I found out I was a Creature and it needed a soulmate. I then found out Snape had a Creature and they got along very well. I found we are both soulmates and somehow recently we got married." Dudley was surprised and said "Cool story wonder what's in store for me." Snape said "Well I got a story for you. At school I found out I wasn't related to Arthur because I walked pass a painting and suddenly it spoke to me and said hey how are you Severus? I could believe my ears then I said I am well thank you very much and also said how do you know my name? the painting replied because we are related and I am Morganna, pleasure to meet you." Harry was fascinated by the story and asked "Do you think we should ask Dumbeldore at beginning of term who could be related to Arthur?" Snape replied "I don't fully trust Albus but if you are confident I trust your instincts." Harry was thankful that his soul mate trusted him. His Creature on the other hand was going mental he yelled "YOU WANT TO ASK THAT SILLY OLD FOOL!" Harry replied calmly "Yes I do thank you very much. I have the say you don't, I am perfectly calm so you can't take over when me and the headmaster are speaking." The Creature went in a huff. Harry was calm and had a wonderful day with the Dursley.

A few weeks later Harry went to the Dursley and asked "Why don't we all go to the train station?" Petunia loved that idea and Vernon was fascinated and he drove everyone to the train station. He was fascinated where the train Dudley and Harry were boarding. Harry showed him the wall and explain it's a portal to another train station. Dudley said "Fascinating so do we all run at the wall between station nine and ten?" Harry replied "Yeah if you feelings a bit nervous I will show you." Then Harry ran with his trolley and disappeared. Then a moment later the Dursley did the same and arrived on the platform. Petunia was shocked at how gorgeous the train was she was a little tearful and thankful that she finally saw the train she wanted, anything to see the school. Harry could see how much seeing this meant to her. Dudley said "I will write to you and tell you everything I do."
Then Dudley and Harry went on the train and went inside a cabin. The train disappeared and Vernon and Petunia went home.

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