Chapter 3

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A week went quick. Harry got into a routine of studying, eating and having fun then it was his birthday, he went straight to Griphook and went inside the office and opened the envelope with number one on it. He took out the letter and started to read it.

Dear Harry, my friend, this is Lilly I know you thought I would say son but unfortunately you are not my son you are James son he met someone he loved got himself pregnant because I couldn't have kids so essentially  he is your mother. I know this is big shock but it's the truth. Dumbledore lied to you, he always says that my sister is your best protection but she isn't because we are not blood related. I am essentially your godmother. I hope this isn't a big shock but Griphook will explain. he knows the truth. He is one of the best goblins you can trust. From Lilly your godmother x.

Harry couldn't believe his eyes. He asked Griphook "Is it true?" Griphook nodded "Yes Harry these letters are the truth." Harry looked at the second letter and he guessed that the next letter was from his father now his mother. He opened the envelope and read the letter, it said

Dear my beautiful boy, you are the best thing that's happened to me. I am your mother James. Yeah I know it sounds crazy but Lilly couldn't get pregnant so I decided to find a man to get me pregnant. I knew I could because the Potter line goes back so many generations, you wouldn't believe. I cannot tell you your true father because you would think I was crazy. When you are ready I will tell you.  This potion you are going to take will give you the exact powers a Potter should have because us potters are powerful. Dumbledore didn't expect me to get pregnant he knows if I did my son or daughter would be his downfall that's why he fed you potion on your first day at Hogwarts feast. It's so you have normal  magic for your age. You are so much stronger  and more  smarter than you already are. Please trust me and take the potion from your mother James x.

Harry read the letter twice just to make sure he was reading it right. Then he drank the potion and was disgusted about the taste.  He felt instantly stronger and knew things he never knew before he thought of the spell Lumas and a light automatically appeared even Griphook was shocked he said "Oh that potion wipes out any potion you have been taking at Hogwarts. I knew Dumbledore was mad but I didn't think he striped your powers down to a muggle-born student." Harry replied "Yeah seems my father knew exactly what Dumbledore would do. I guess I am rare." Griphook was shocked he looked at this new Harry, he looked more confident.

Harry opened the last letter. It didn't have a anything on the front, he took out the letter and it said

Dear my future son/daughter who ever is reading this letter your blood is special, you have mine and my husband's blood  and you are unique. If you take the next potion you will receive your Creature Inheritance  that this letter came with, then you accept your destiny. You are the new Merlin and who your future Arthur is. I hope he protects you just how my Arthur protects me. When you take the potion you will transform into a Egyptian Jackal. They are the rarest Creature in the Wizarding world. Your husband will be a Egyptian Sphinx. I know it looks crazy a cat and dog liking each other but back in my time it was very normal. From your great Grandfather Merlin x.

Harry read the letter twice and thought "If i am related to Merlin then I am the richest kid in the Wizard World." Harry drank the potion, it tasted weird and then he felt himself get taller and stronger and out of nowhere a black tail appeared. He went over to a mirror and looked at his new self he looked more like James but saw some of Jame's secret partner. He hadn't a clue who that was. He turned to Griphook  and asked"how do I look?" Griphook said "You look stunning! I will show you how much is in your Vaults later. I will send the letter tomorrow as I don't want to give you a bigger shock than you already had today."

Harry headed home and tested his knowledge and new found strength.

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