Chapter 32

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Minster Fudge was shocked at Dumbeldore's arrival. He said "Albus wonderful to see you, how did you find about Harry's hearing?" Albus calmed down and said "Well as headmaster I can see what happens to my staff. When I found out about the unannounced marriage and it was Harry Potter I thought something seems wrong, I went here to confirm my suspicion so I came here right away." The Jackal said "Lovely to see you Dumbledore, yes me and my Sphinx accidentally got married, I was waiting for the Daily Prophet to show everyone but since you are here I can show you in person." Dumbledore was surprised how polite this Jackal was acting around him and asked "Soulmates are supposed to marry when ever they touch and see each other for the first time, my question is how did it not happen at school?" The Sphinx went guilty and said "Albus I had an Unbreakable Vow on my wrist, I couldn't be with anyone until it was removed and the person that put it on saw that I kept to my word and he decided to remove it." Dumbledore was very shocked that a simple spell like Unbreakable Vow could be so effective. He wished he had thought of that when he needed certain people to stop seeing each other. He asked "Sphinx I suppose the wizard who did this was the dark lord?" Sphinx nodded and returned back to Snape. A moment later The jackal returned back to Harry and looked around. Dumbledore  asked "I understand the significance of a Jackal being related to Merlin, but Merlin the great wizard didn't have anyone he loved, I cannot remember Merlin having a Sphinx as an companion?" Harry giggled and so did Snape and looked at each other at the same time and secretly asked "Does Dumbledore  not release that Merlin and Arthur were more than friends?" Snape said "I guess not, should we ask him?" Harry replied "Yeah great idea." Snape looked at Dumbledore and asked "Albus, what about the friendship of Arthur and Merlin?" Dumbledore was surprised at this question and then thought for a moment and said "That's impossible that means muggles and wizard have been together longer than anyone imagined and which also means that muggles might have a bit more magic than anyone thought possible." Snape and Harry looked at each other. Harry replied "You mean muggles or muggle born people aren't so different than a perfect pure blood wizard?" Dumbledore nodded and said "Wow I have been told so many different things and almost all have been a lie." Fudge said "Well as it may I don't see any harm in Snape and Harry being married, but mister Potter will be taught potions by a different potion Professor. I think Slughorn would be acceptable."  Albus said "Sounds fair, I will send a letter to Slughorn to expect teaching Harry after the holidays."
Everyone went on their way back home. When Harry arrived with Snape inside the door Ron asked "Well how did it go?" Harry said "Really well they accepted us and our Creature's and I am going to be taught potions by Professor Slughorn."
Everyone was very pleased and had dinner and talked about what's going to be happening this years term.

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