chapter 38

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A/N I love the arthur legend I alaways thought maybe Hogwarts was a future Camelot so that was the idea behind the past chapters.

Dudley searched the whole castle and found he liked the library the most but it wasn't clear enough so he went to the lake where he found a weird connection with it. Then he thought of going to the astronomy tower but nothing happened, so he went back to the lake. There he saw a small island in the middle of the sea and he took a boat to investigate and found old stone pillars and a sword. He thought 'what a weird place to put a sword in a stone'. He looked around and saw nothing so he pulled the sword out and then a painting appeared on a stone wall opposite him and said, "You are my heir Sir Dudley the smart." Dudley was gobsmacked, "Oh my god I am related to King Arthur that was my favorite story as a child." King Arthur said, "Say Raven Amato Animo Animato Animagus then you should be your Patronus. And do one thing for me. Tell Harry that his animagus is an owl. He just needs to say owl Amato Animo animato animagus." Dudley said the spell and instantly turned into a raven. He flew into the headmaster's office the way birds do and landed next to Fawkes before turning back into himself. Fawkes went flying round and round in circles looking for her new friend. Dumbledore was looking at his Phoenix and thought, "What's got her in a state of feathers?" Then out of nowhere Dudley excitedly said, "Guys I am related to King Arthur how cool is this." Professor Flitwick couldn't believe his eyes and ears. Harry was over the moon. But Dumbledore didn't believe one word and said, "Prove it." Dudley showed Excalibur and said, "How's this for proof?" Dumbledore was shocked he said, "That means Merlin meant for this castle to be a Camelot for wizards. Wow that's incredible." McGonagal said, "Hmm that explains a lot. That means Dudley needs to find Guinever." Harry said, "I cannot believe that it was you who I have been looking for." Harry sent a patronus to Snape to come to Dumbledore's office. A few minutes later Snape arrived and was met with so many Professor's and Dudley. He asked, "What's everyone doing here and why am I here?" Dudley said, "Well Sir it turns out I am related to Arthur." Snape was surprised and asked, "Can you prove it?" Dudley showed the sword, his patronus and his animagus. Everyone was surprised by Dudley's animagus. Dumbledore said, "So it was you  who came in with Fawkes. My Phoenix has been in state of wonder and flying around this room looking for someone who came into her window entrance."  Dudley felt guilty, "Yeah Arthur's painting told me I have the power to turn into a raven - oh - and Harry you have the power to turn into Merlin's owl if you want to." Harry already knew the spell and so he said it and instantly turned into a tiny owl. McGonagal said, "Aww What an adorable owl."
Then a few minutes later the hat said, "Congrats Dudley and Harry you have both turned into a perfect animagus. Now we just need to work out who guinevere is and what Snape's animagus is and then this castle will turn into a future Camelot."

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