Chapter 34

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The next day everyone went on a train and headed to London and went through the pub. Harry was first, showing Petunia with her new eyesight  everything she couldn't see before. She could see so much more than she expected because she was sure she went past this pub a million times and had never seen anything wrong. Harry made an entrance to Diagon Alley and said, "Dursleys welcome to Diagon Alley." Petunia was shocked and intrigued with all the different shops. Dudley couldn't believe how this small alleyway could have so many shops. He asked, "Where do I go to get my first wand?" Harry replied, "Followed me, I will show you." Harry took everyone to Olivander's. When he opened the door Mr Olivander was shocked to see a woman who could only be Lilly's sister. He asked, "Harry what are the Dursley's doing here?" Harry said, "Well it's turns out that Dudley here is a muggle-born and would like to see if he is powerful enough to own a wand." Olivander was surprised and said, "Wonderful Dudley! Let's see what wand you are destined for."  Dudley tried lots of different wands but none of them did anything special until Olivander had a strange idea, "I had a nervous feeling that this wand might be perfect. Try this." He handed Dudley a wand. When Dudley tried it, it radiated a beautiful light and lit up the whole shop. Harry couldn't believe his eyes. It looked stronger than his first wand. Olivander said, "Curiouser and curiouser. I wasn't sure you were able to use this wand." Dudley said, "What is this wand made of?" Olivander replied, "An interesting wood called Giant Redwood and an eagle feather." Harry couldn't believe his ears, "Are you sure that's Dudley wand?" Olivander said, "Yes I am perfectly sure and mister Potter, I believe you need a new wand because of your Creature. Here, try this wand."  Harry tried the new wand. It looked like it was made from the same wood as Hagrid's which really shocked him and suddenly he felt extremely powerful then his Creature said, "Harry, this wand used to belong to Merlin. It's English Oak." Harry couldn't believe his luck and asked, "Is this wand English Oak?" Olivander nodded, "Correct. Enjoy your new wands you two, they're on the house." Dudley couldn't stop looking at his new wand as they walked out of the shop then suddenly McGonagal appeared in front of the young man and asked, "Who are you? I don't believe I have seen you at Hogwarts and you look too old for a first year," Dudley said, "I am Dudley Dursley my mother's sister was Lilly Potter. I just found out I am a muggle born." McGonagal was shocked and asked Harry, "Is this true?" Harry replied, "Yeah definitely true." McGonagal said, "Wonderful to meet you Dudley. We will be doing catch up classes during the first term then next term you will be sorted into a house with your new classmates, good day." Harry and Dudley were shocked and so were Petunia and Vernon, then out of nowhere Snape appeared and said, "Harry I am not related to Arthur I am related to Morganna. I cannot help your Creature find Arthur. I am sorry." Harry was shocked at this news. What could that mean? He needs to find another wizard to help.

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