Chapter 4

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Harry went home and read something that he read last night but didn't understand. He now understood perfectly he thought "Wow I might be smarter than my friend Hermione." Harry was worried that Dumbledore might find out so he decided he not to show how smart and strong he was.
He also thought "I might give Snape a run for his money because with my new knowledge I might improve some of his potions." The thought of the idea made Harry's tail move a little quicker. Harry decided to see what he looked like full creature so he concentrated and transformed. He looked in his tall mirror and looked at himself. He had beautiful fur on his face that black and smooth. He also noticed how incredible his body was. He looked really strong and he couldn't get over his eyes, they were red and sometimes green. He transformed back then looked at his eyes in the mirror, his eyes were two shades as well. They were hazel and scarlet. He loved the colour. He thought "Hmm, my mum  had hazel eyes but it's the scarlet colour I haven't seen before." Harry went to bed and to his relief his tail disappeared when he went to sleep. He had an interesting dream.He saw a weird version of Voldemort and two servants with him. One said "I will get close to Harry Potter this year, I will find a way." Harry woke up like a shot. The mail arrived and he opened the letter. It said

Dear Mister Potter you are a wealthy wizard. You are the richest wizard but I won't say by how much. Let's just say you have enough money to buy Hogwarts and make your own school as well. From Griphook

Harry couldn't believe his eyes. He summoned Griphook and the goblin arrived right away. He asked "Yes Harry, How can I help you?" Harry replied "Well can you please take me to the Weasley's?  I want to give them some of my money because originally I think I was going to marry Ginny but now I can't because of my Creature Inheritance." Griphook sent him to the Weasley's Burrow. When they arrived Harry knocked on the door. Molly answered the door said "Harry, so good to see you." She gave Harry a hug and Harry's creature almost went mad but Harry calm himself. He said "Hello misses Weasley, good to see but I can't stay long. I am here on matter of business." Molly was surprised at Harry's attitude "Okay dear follow me to the living room." Harry followed behind closely and sat down on an armchair. He said "As you know I have turned fourteen and received my Money Inheritance and also my Creature Inheritance." Molly replied "I wondered why you looked taller and your eyes have changed colour and you have a tail." Harry went guilty "Yeah still used to the tail and my new height and eyes colours." Ginny, Ron, Fred, George and Arthur appeared. Arthur said "Molly you didn't tell me Harry was here." Molly said "He just arrived with a goblin." Harry said "Hey everyone this is Griphook, my goblin from the bank." Arthur said "Harry have you come into your Money and Creature Inheritance?" Harry replied "Yeah that's why I am here, you have been like a family to me and I have decided to give you some of my money to help so you can get the right books and better looking wands and help make this house look better." Molly was shocked "Oh my gosh! Thank you Harry." Harry said "This is hard for me to say but since I got my Creature Inheritance my Creature will only be with one male wizard and no one else." Ginny said "I wish that whoever your soulmate is will make you very happy." Ron said "I don't mind that your gay, it's quite common in the wizarding world." Arthur said "Everyone should find their partner by their sixth year. They do a soulmate potion that tells you who you other half is." Harry was surprised at that statement "That's awesome! Hopefully, I don't find out before sixth year. I have to go home Ron. I will see you on the train." Griphook gave the money to Molly and said "You have money in your vault." Molly looked at how much Harry gave and was surprised she said "Thank you Harry and goodbye." Harry left and went back to his home.

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